Alexander was taller than her, had been for the majority of the time they knew each other, though not all of it. There had been a few months where a girl could be taller than a boy her same age. Now however, his greater height was blatantly displayed as her lips formed into a childish pout at his back. Declan Sputnik was hidden from view. She had to press up onto her toes and place a pale hand on Alexander's shoulder to push even higher up and still barely managed to show her eyes over the peak of his torso. She watched from this position as the man shamelessly antagonized her friend and wondered if she should make an effort to stop it. She didn't have the level of confidence, aggression or social naivety that Alexander did however and simply allowed it to blow over. Moments after she reached her decision, he was looking her way again and their eyes clashed. From her more protected position now, she was able to gain the confidence to return his gaze and even study him, curiosity winning against docility. She noted the way his demeanor softened, sweetened as he took her into his vision. It made her insatiably intrigued, mulling over exactly what he was seeing as he looked to her, what blurred the cocky edge of his smile. What turned him from cayenne to honey. Her thoughts flooded from her with his words and it was becoming a practiced occurrence. [i][color=FFA500]"Miss Kanalie"[/color][/i]? The moment he spoke her name with such an honorific, signals bombinated in her skull, bringing instant discomfort. [i]No[/i], that was wrong. She didn't care if he was using it to mock her or had been serious, that was not the something a vampire should be calling her, she definitely knew that. She dropped back down so her feet planted flat to the ground and she was hidden from sight, trying to keep from squirming. Assuring herself he had said it as a joke to mock her made her feel better but she was still distressed. Back home, there was no such naming for her, it was "[color=00a651]Human girl[/color]" or "[color=00a651]Colin's daughter[/color]", rather occasionally they would actually refer to her by her name, which always felt like an honor. She listened respectfully to his following words, even return in to her perch on Alexander's shoulder to show him she was listening. Once of course the anxiety had passed. When he reached his brash conclusion, Kanalie stiffened and reacted even before her friend could. Almost a mirror to Alexander's previous actions, Kanalie stepped in between the two males and shook her head. It went against basically every instinct -especially went against all the anxiety she had just felt. It was plain [i]wrong[/i] to tell a vampire no, but Declan was also in the wrong. Still, she could [i]taste[/i] her parents disappointed as she tried to stand tall before him, in a purely figurative sense. She was apparently shorter than both of them. "[color=darkmagenta]That is simply against the rules, Mr. Sputnik. I am [i]very[/i] sorry, but I am the only one you will be feeding from in any near future. You will [i]not[/i] be biting him.[/color]" While it may not have been any specific rule at the school, it was definitely [i]her[/i] rule. She tried to convey the idea that she would not have any leniency on this with a voice that only slightly wobbled. She hated the stern, challenging look she was attempting to send him, but Alexander had always been miles more important than her family's beliefs. "[color=darkmagenta]Sir.[/color]." She couldn't hold it back. After that was said, she weakened and stepped down a bit. Glancing over her tense shoulder, she held up her paper again and waved it at her friend. "[color=darkmagenta]Is it okay if we go somewhere else so that I can ask my questions?[/color]"