[hider=Ezra][img]http://pre08.deviantart.net/c717/th/pre/f/2011/263/f/6/eli_3_by_sandara-d41955z.jpg[/img][/hider] [center][color=crimson] [h3][u]E Z R A L A R K[/u][/h3]M a l e ● T w e n t y - S i x ● B - N e g a t i v e [/color][/center] [color=crimson][b][u]» M U T A T I O N S[/u][/b][/color] [list] [*] [color=crimson][i]Fulgurkinesis-[/i][/color] Ezra can generate electricity and plasma on a decently-sized scale, cloaking himself in an aura of bright crimson lightning, greatly increasing the threat he poses to his enemies at close range. He can also absorb electricity from outside sources, feeding his powers in that manner, rather than having to generate the energy himself. He cannot, however, focus his powers into a projectile (say, a lightning bolt) without some other medium, such as his harpoons. See “Livewires” for details. [*] [color=crimson][i]Crystal Armor-[/i][/color] Ezra has a strange, organic crystal slowly growing just beneath his skin, even protruding from beneath his skin in certain areas or outright replacing it, such as on his hands, shoulders, parts of his spine, and his shins and knees. This crystal is incredibly durable, slightly harder than concrete, acting as armor for Ezra, especially in the areas where it has supplanted his skin. The crystals glow red when he uses his fulgurkinesis. [*] [color=crimson][i]Livewires-[/i][/color] Ezra has what is effectively crystal harpoons loaded into his forearms, connected to reinforced biological cables. These harpoons can be fired with the speed of a speargun, by igniting gas in a chamber behind the harpoons. The harpoons and the bio-cables both share Ezra’s conductive properties, allowing him to channel his fulgurkinesis down them and electrocute whatever target he’s made contact with using his harpoons. There is a significant downside to this ability, however- he has no way of retracting the cables once they’re fired. Meaning the only way he can reload the harpoons is by ripping them out, cables and all, and letting new harpoons grow in their place. Obviously, this power is used as a last resort. [/list] [color=crimson][b][u]» A P P E A R A N C E[/u][/b][/color] Ezra is somewhat short at 5’6”, and stockily built- as he puts it, “built like a brick shithouse.” He has cropped blond hair, once styled spiky, but now left to its own devices, as Ezra cannot be bothered with haircare during the apocalypse. His eyes were once vivid green, but are now bloody red with black sclera. Spikes of dark red crystal erupt from under his skin in various places, especially his hands and forearms, which now appear to be covered in blood-red crystal gauntlets. His shoulders, spine, and shins have similar armor plating covering them. [color=crimson][b][u]» P E R S O N A L I T Y[/u][/b][/color] Ezra was a sarcastic son of a bitch before Day One, and sees no need to change that now that the world has ended. Ezra is, to put it in his words, “sophisticated as hell.” His language is vulgar yet erudite, profane yet elegant- he just as likely to call you an asshole as a “petulant, sanctimonious plague on my sanity.” He’s constantly cracking jokes and witty barbs as he adventures through the dark streets of New Windsor, more as a coping mechanism than anything else. Beneath his prickly facade (har har), however, lies a very altruistic and caring individual who is troubled, shocked, mortified, etc. by the recent turn of events. Even only a day after the Outbreak, Ezra has seen and done horrible things for the sake of survival. Things that can very easily weigh on a gentle soul such as Ezra’s. At the moment, his goal is to find any uninfected and protect them from the ravenous hordes, by any means necessary. [color=crimson][b][u]» B I O G R A P H Y[/u][/b][/color] [hider=Excerpt from the journal of Ezra Lark][color=crimson][i]New Windsor, The Bronx 2301 hours[/i] Welp! It’s all gone to shit! I mean, you all probably already know that. Near as I can figure, about two-thirds of everyone in the city has caught a major case of the Fuck-Yous, yours truly included. More on that later. Honestly, I never thought the apocalypse would come cleanly, if indeed it did, but I would’ve preferred a bit more warning than my cameraman going unconscious, then waking up and [i]fucking eating my editor.[/i] And then coming after me for seconds, along with a few of the others in the office. And here I thought my biggest concern that morning was getting the episode filmed on time... Ever had to stab your best friend to death? It’s not on my Top Ten list of recommended experiences. So yeah, zombies. Of the 28 Days Later, World War Z (the shitty movie, not the book) variety. These fuckers can run, and run fast. They don’t even seem to get tired. They travel in weird, single-minded hordes, more like a river or flood or landslide than a group of humans or animals. They don’t seem to be able to see very well, though, so use that information as you will, loyal readers. I say that as though I’m anticipating [i]anyone[/i] to be reading a video game blog during the end of the fucking world, whenever it is I get all this uploaded. Do we even have internet in the apocalypse? Probably not. Guess I'll find out later. There is still that one detail I was telling you about earlier, that needs clarification. If your eyes were sharp, then you probably caught me mentioning that I’ve been infected. But it seems… more complicated than just that. I don’t have any pressing need to devour the living (yet), but I know I caught something. And if college biology and common sense has taught me anything, my case of the Fuck-Yous is probably related to the zombie version. These things don’t just happen at the same time without reason. Long story short, my particular head-cold-from-Hell has consisted of three things. One, I hurt, everywhere. A dull ache, crawling ever so slowly under my skin. I imagine this is how the soil would feel about roots carving through it, if it actually felt things. The pain is probably due to Thing Number Two on the list of freaky shit, crystals. Weird, dark-red-almost-black spikes of crystal, poking up from under my skin. Some on my forehead, like horns, some on my shoulders, a line going down my spine. They seem to be congregating around my hands, though- they’re almost 100% crystallized at this point. I can still move them almost like normal, though, there’s joints and stuff where there should be, but it’s still profoundly uncomfortable. And Lucky Number Three on the list is the weirdest of them all. Ever since the pain started, weird shit’s been happening between me and electrical equipment. Lights flicker in my vicinity, smaller electronics short out or straight-up blow up (fuck you, smartphone) if I’m not careful, and when I walked by an electrical socket earlier, a bolt of red lightning- yep, [i]red[/i]- shot out from it and hit me in my sparkly bits. Then the building’s power went out. Then the Ferals came sniffing around. I may have mentioned this before, but it has been a [i]bad day.[/i] I’ve found somewhere to hole up and barricade myself in for now. Thankfully, I think the weird glitchy lightning bullshit has died down somewhat, considering I’m not lighting up like a firework anymore. Tomorrow I’m gonna start looking around for other survivors, more supplies, and food. God, I’m fucking starving. Might be a side effect of my new viral makeover. So, my loyal readers (if any of you even get to read this), stay safe. If you see someone with my description out and about tomorrow, it’s probably me, and I could use some help. Maybe I can help you, too. Gods only know we need to stick together through this mess. Maybe I’ll stop aching so much after some sleep, but I doubt it- I can still feel the shit growing. It’s freaking me out, guys. Good luck, loyal readers. Don’t do anything stupid, and keep each other safe. -end-[/color][/hider] [color=crimson][b][u]» E Q U I P M E N T[/u][/b][/color] [list] [*] [color=crimson][i]Messenger Bag-[/i][/color] Containing a half-full canteen, a bunch of granola bars, and… [*] [color=crimson][i]Journal-[/i][/color] For all the random bullshit that floats through Ezra’s head. [*] [color=crimson][i]Hunting Knife-[/i][/color] Slightly superfluous at this point, but he's not getting rid of it. Black-handled with the initials "ABL" engraved on the pommel. [*] [color=crimson][i]Shark-Tooth Necklace-[/i][/color] A gift from an old ex that Ezra's not sure why he keeps around. Especially since it makes him look like kind of a douche... [/list] [color=crimson][b][u]» P R O F I C I E N C I E S[/u][/b][/color] [list] [*] [color=crimson][i]”I’m going on an adventure!”-[/i][/color] Ezra is good at turning a bad situation into… well, still a bad situation, but much funnier. Ezra seems basically unflappable, gliding through the apocalypse with wit, sarcasm, and linguistic flair. While this makes him great for dealing with high-stress situations, and can be inspiring to his allies, it does have its drawbacks- see Limitations for more. [*] [color=crimson][i]”UNLIMITED POOOWWAAAAHHH!!”-[/i][/color] Ezra can absorb massive amounts of electricity before needed to expend his charge, making him a living third rail. While he does still have limits (see Limitations), they’re set so high as to make such risks negligible in most situations. He’s also, therefore, highly resistant to any electrical attacks brought to bear against him. [*] [color=crimson][i]”Your Kung Fu is no good!”-[/i][/color] Ezra is a scrappy gentleman, having learned to fight from a young age. Recently, he even started learning actual martial arts in the form of Krav Maga, and though he’s nowhere near a master of the craft, he knows enough to make someone very sorry they picked a fight with him. Especially because... [*] [color=crimson][i]”You think I can’t take a hit?!”-[/i][/color] The crystal beneath Ezra’s skin is incredibly durable, reinforcing his body and effectively making it so that he’s wearing full-body Kevlar at all times. He’s especially durable in the areas where the crystal has supplanted his skin, his fists, in particular. [*] [color=crimson][i]”I punch, you suffer. Got it?”-[/i][/color] Speaking of his fists, Ezra’s most potent weapon is his newly-armored extremities. Without having to worry about self-injury like most normal humans- at least, not to the same extent- Ezra can bring relatively monstrous strength to bear on whatever his target is, even being able to tear through metal and solid walls with enough effort. [/list] [color=crimson][b][u]» L I M I T A T I O N S[/u][/b][/color] [list] [*] [color=crimson][i]”I’m givin’ ‘er all she’s got, Cap’n!”[/i]-[/color] Ezra has limits to how much electricity he can absorb before he is required to expend his accumulated charge. Attempting to take in anymore beyond that limit will either flat-out not work, or even cause Ezra severe-to-lethal injury due to overcharge. Same principle goes for using too much of his powers at any one time. Using his powers causes a strain on his body, even if he’s just expending gathered charge from his surroundings. Discharging too much at once, or for too long, can cause muscle spasms, mild seizures, and even cardiac arrhythmia or arrest if he pushes it too far. [*] [color=crimson][i]”LOOOUUUD NOISES!!”-[/i][/color] Certain sound frequencies resonate with Ezra’s crystals, which can cause serious pain, like a full-body migraine, to the poor mutant. Louder noises of such resonance frequencies can even cause his crystals to shatter and splinter, which can cause serious damage to the rest of Ezra’s body. [*] [color=crimson][i]”Don’t go in the water.”-[/i][/color] Logical weakness- if Ezra gets wet while using his powers, or tries to use his powers while wet, he shorts out or could even electrocute himself. And that would be an awful way to go. [*] [color=crimson][i]”I’M GETTING HUNGRY, HOMBRE!!”-[/i][/color] Use of his powers is a massive drain on Ezra’s energy, and will require him to eat large quantities of food or absorb large amounts of electricity to offset his massive resource burn, or else go into a torpor. [*] [color=crimson][i]”It only hurts when I laugh…”-[/i][/color] Ezra’s mutations hurt. All the time. It’s crystal growing beneath and through his skin, what did you expect? It’s not intense pain- a full-body dull, throbbing ache- but it’s sufficient enough to be quite distracting. [*] [color=crimson][i]”This is fine…”-[/i][/color] One of Ezra’s greatest strengths is also one of his greatest weaknesses. While his ability to deflect the tragedy around him with humor and wit is impressive, it’s ultimately only a stopgap measure. Eventually, if he chooses not to confront his issues, the weight of them will end up crushing him, causing him to potentially go catatonic with shock, at most likely the worst possible time. [/list] [color=crimson][b][u]» R E L A T I O N S[/u][/b][/color] [list] [*] [color=crimson][i]Rebecca Lark-[/i][/color] Ezra’s younger sister, lost somewhere in the chaos of New Windsor. His primary goal at the moment is to find and rescue her. [/list]