[center][h3][color=f26522]Asher Brandt[/color][/h3] Lustre Academy - Main Hall [@CadenGallic][@Polaris North][/center] With classes largely done for the day, there were a bunch of jobs on the noticeboard, that they gathered around to look at. A few groups already grabbed a bunch, leaving only three left. Regular patrol, convoy escort, or hunting. The hunt appealed to him personally, but he didn't have much experience when it came to tracking out in the woods. Tracking people in a city he can do, but not a beast out in the woods. Maybe convoy escort then...? Since he was the leader of his team, he gets the final say, but maybe he should see what they think... [color=orange]"I'm thinking convoy or hunt, what do you guys think?"[/color], he asked simply. Combat was assured in one, and merely expected in the other. A dust shipment to a small village is usually a simple affair, with very little interference, so it was likely a peaceful mission. Occasionally there'd be thieves he would wager, but they lived in a rather peaceful time. The Grimm Hunt seemed more standard to what their profession was to be though, but he had no experience tracking in the wild, perhaps Cedar did though... Regardless, he waited for an answer.