[hider=Jason O'Grady] Name: Jason O'Grady False ID Name: Jason Graves or Turnabout Nationality: Irish/Roma (Gypsy/Traveler) Age: 22 Height: 6'2" Weight: 190 lbs Appearance: [img]http://oi54.tinypic.com/r2t161.jpg[/img] Other Appearance: Heavy scarring on his left arm, up to the elbow. Some loss of mobility in the limb due to this. Superpower(s): [hider=Powerset] ((So far, Jason only has access to the Kinetic portion of his powerset, the rest will evolve over time.)) Jason describes himself as an 'energy vampire'. He can absorb, deflect, and redirect many different types of energy, and by 'charging' his weapons with stored energy he can make his hits much harder. For example, if he were to absorb the energy of a train wreck, charge his staff with it, and hit you with the staff, it would be as if you were hit by the force of the staff driven by a train. He can store up to two different types of energy at once, although this shortens the duration he can safely store them. He can also charge objects with different types of energy as well, giving them different properties when they're released, or the energy reaches its limit. Different types of energy also grant him different 'buffs', which, while much weaker than true superhuman levels, put him at a higher tier than most normal humans. -Kinetic: Kinetic energy is the most common type of energy Jason uses, as it's the first he discovered, and the one with the least benefit to him. This allows him to absorb the energy of a physical attack he is aware of, rendering it null, and redirecting the attack by charging his weapons with it, essentially hitting you with your own force. -Electrical: By storing electrical energy in his body, Jason can enhance his physical speed, running a maximum of 20-30 MPH. When not burning off that energy, he is extremely hyper. Using this energy for an attack makes it a lightning attack. -Heat: By storing energy from fire or heat from the surrounding air, Jason can enhance his physical toughness, making it more difficult to be hurt. He becomes hot to the touch while storing this energy. Using this energy for an attack manifests in a fire attack. -Sound: Aborsbing this energy has a twofold effect. In addition to allowing Jason to alter the sounds he makes, whatever object he's absorbing from, which must be making noise, is silenced. When used as an attack, it creates a loud cracking noise. Jason has been unable to absorb biochemical energy or light energy. This power also comes with an inherent weakness, the more energy he stores, the more quickly it becomes unstable. Unstable energy will cause Jason immense pain, and finally reach a critical failing point, resulting in a catastrophic breakdown of energy wherever it's stored, to disastrous results. [/hider] Skills: Jason is a master entertainer, an actor able to put on any accent and false personality; a singer and violinist that will get even the most stoic of toes tapping, and a storyteller able to engage the mind of the most curmudgeonly crone. This is helped by a near-fluent understanding of English, German, and French. He also is able to find overlooked hiding places with ease thanks to his background as a nomadic wanderer. Personality: Jason is a this point in his life, quiet and reserved. He will open up to those who may take the time to get to know him, but he projects an air of cold indifference as a barrier. If one were to get past that however, Jason shows himself to be a very carefree individual. He wants very much to be happy, and to bring happiness to others; though with the war on he thinks he must suppress that desire. Jason feels at home in the center of attention or on the outskirts of a crowd regardless, only wanting to feel included in some way with anything going on. If he trusts you he is an open book, answering any questions about himself he has answers to, and asking the same of his conversational partner in return. History: Jason's story began as so many others do: With his father, John. A poor farmer in Ireland, the elder O'Grady was first in line to inherit the farm from his father. Having seen his son grow up nothing but a farmer, never having half a day to call his own, Grandfather O'Grady offered the boy a chance to go out on his own, to spend a couple years seeing the world and being a boy before settling down. The man accepted, and soon found himself traveling across the Eastern European countryside with a knapsack and a song. Jason't father stumbled upon a wandering group of entertainers, Gypsies as they were called by the city folk; though they themselves preferred the term Roma. After meeting one of the young women in the family, John was smitten, and spent the rest of his time away from the farm with the group. Some months after the departure of John, back home to the farm, the troupe gained two new members. Twins, a boy and a girl. Jason and his sister Emma. They were raised as part of the large family, though their history was never hidden from them. The pair were always inseparable. They did everything together, and soon learned most of what the Roma had to teach. They learned how to draw a crowd, how to keep interest, how to act and sing, and how to perform. Their lives seemed to be a neverending whirlwind of adventure. The Roma traveled everywhere during the twins teenaged years, from Spain to Russia to Greece and everywhere in between. Not all of those places welcomed them with open arms, however. Many people distrusted them, called them thieves or worse. One day, while the family was performing and raising money near Budapest, a small crowd of superstitious villagers tried to form a mob and drive them out of town. Miraculously, even though he had been hit on his left arm by several thrown rocks, Jason and the rest of the family walked away without being hurt. Unbeknownst to them however, Jason was about to go through a trial. Jason's latent superhuman abilities had spontaneously activated, protecting him from harm during the mob. However, with energy stored up from the attacks he'd blocked and no way of knowing what had happened or how to release it, the energy began to break down. In the days following the attack, Jason complained of sharp pains in his arm, first only every once in awhile, but soon a near-constant pain. Finally several days later, the energy broke; the bones in Jason's forearm and hand shattering spontaneously as the skin split open. The family panicked, but reacted quickly. When Jason awoke in a hospital several days later he was told they had saved his arm, but he had lost some mobility. It was then that the family revealed their only secret to Jason and his sister: Much of their number were superhuman as well. Driven out and ostracized by their respective communities because of their supernatural abilities, the elders of the family of Roma had found each other and banded together at a young age. Now three generations later, the large group held nearly a dozen of their number as superhuman. These members of the community stepped in now, helping to teach Jason the basics of his power and how to control it. For the next several years, the young man spent every moment learning how to control this newfound gift. It was an exhilarating time in his life, but unfortunately, all chapters must close. The family was caught in Germany when war broke out. They decided it was too dangerous to try and sneak the large group out of the country, and instead decided to hide. They underestimated the hatred Hitler's regime felt towards Gypsies. Soon after the war broke out, they were ambushed in the night. Solders ripped through their camp, setting fire and taking prisoner those who didn't resist. Those who did resist... Even the superhumans the family had fostered found themselves little match for the surprise attack against a full army. Jason did the only thing he could do. The last thing his mother ever said to him as blood poured down her face. "Run my child, run!" She had cried. "Save yourself, please!" Jason ran. He never knew what happened to the rest of them. His mother, his sister, all of his friends and family... He never went back. Two days later he bluffed his way out of the country. A week after that he found himself on a ship heading for Ireland. And then, a father he had never known, a farm he had never seen, a family that was not his own. Jason toiled there in anonymity until rumors reached his ears of a secret division of the British war machine, a place where he might be able to help. Packing up his paltry collection of things, Jason left in the middle of the night. He bluffed his way onto a cargo ship as a crewmember, stole a uniform from an off-duty solder, and then decided on some fun. Removing the identifying markers from the uniform, he spent the next several days shuffling himself around through various offices, claiming at each one to be a different officer of a different rank who had conveniently been mugged and no of course I don't have any papers you utter buffoon I was MUGGED now how do I get my things replaced? When finally he had been given a set of 'replacement' papers and found someone he suspected could help him, he dropped the act and asked about entry into the Westminster League... Equipment: A pair of aviators goggles. A black handkerchief. A 5 foot long wooden staff. A pocketful of bolts.[/hider]