[b]Appearance:[/b][hider][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ca/67/16/ca6716d13ff5ec3564227654b536cf2a.jpg[/img][/hider] Casimer stands an inch or so above average height for an Imperial. His skin, however, is a light brown, more than a deep tan usual of those living on Cyrodil's south coast; but, also not dark enough that he might be marked as a Redguard. He sports a thick greying fuzz on his long face, which connects to a fuzzled mane of the same color on his head. He has worked to maintain the stature of his youth, and remains broad-shouldered, but no giant. However, old age has begun to set in and he is worn around the edges: the skin around his piercing black eyes has begun to sag, he's taken on some amount of girth around his mouth and neck and can feel himself wobble when he climbs the stairs to the storeroom. [b]Name:[/b] Casimer Demitrius-Kahn [b]Nickname:[/b] Cas'. [b]Age:[/b] 66 [b]Race:[/b] Imperial, Redgaurd father. [b]Items and gear:[/b] His light green tunic is worn, and singed from the attack, but he still pulls it close around his person as a means of keeping the cold out. Beneath he wears a beige shirt, and blacks pants. On his feet are a pair of sensible brown boots. He carries an iron dagger at his side; in his house is an Imperial-manufactured blade, enchanted to boost the agility of those who handle it. [b]Abilities:[/b] His retained wits; speech and mercantile. He also maintains a good standard in the use of one-handed bladed weapons. Otherwise, he was trained in the use of heavy-armor, bows and crossbows, and long-shields, earlier in life: but, for the most part, has forgotten his training. [b]Job:[/b] He owns and operates a supply-node for traders. [b]Bio:[/b] Former Imperial soldier. Following the Great War, he migrated north in a bid to escape the memories contained in his hometown, which had been the subject of considerable trauma at the hands of the Thalmor. He found himself settling in Helgen, where he has resided for the last 25 years. [b]Other:[/b] N/a [b]Pets:[/b] N/a --- I hope him owning and operating a general store isn't too big a deal. I can change it if needs be. Though, I presume that outside of the game world, most towns are going to have more than one store.