Thomas' attention was drawn to the window by a bird. Thomas opened it and the bird hoped in to his sanctuary. Thomas removed a note attached to the bird's leg and the bird flew off. Thomas read the note and immediately proceeded to head to Flask's place. As Thomas approached he could hear arguing. Thomas approached carefully. Suddenly the arguing stopped. Thomas quickened his approach he found Flask standing over his nephew. "Don't worry Thomas he is only unconcious." Flask picked up his nephew and put him on a bed. Flask then explained the situation. "So you want me to go in his place? In that case anything you fence for me I keep ninety percent of the proceeds. Also make sure that dumbass nephew of yours stays out of the way until the job is done." Flask agreed. Thomas changed into Calan's appearance. Thomas then went to the wall to meet with the others. As he approached the walls, he saw a walking suit of armor that he presumed had someone in it, a little girl with a stuffed animal, am extremely attractive woman clearly of noble birth, and an avergage noble man. He walked up and didn't say a thing.