The gang was all here, and it looked like some others had joined as well. And old man and some farm girl by the name of Kyra. Orchid didn't know how well she'd fight but if she was going to fight then good for her. Parum wanted to know how they were going to fight this dragon, and Orchid made his intentions clear. [color=a2d39c]"Dragon come to us! We hide, Dragon no come. We stay, dragon come and try eat us. Dragon pride. Then Orchid throw spear at dragon, climb dragon, and stab dragon in eye!"[/color] Hence why Orchid had his harpoon instead of his blade out. He drummed the side of his new drake hide shield with pride. [color=a2d39c]"Dragon see, dragon angry, and dragon fight me! You fight dragon too! Magic words and arrows and swords."[/color] Orchid motioned to Parum. He didn't quite understand how Vicious Mockery worked, but it was doing something so he had no complaints. Though there was one thing Orchid made sure to mention. [color=a2d39c]"Hgn. Dragon have army. Fight them too. Little dragon men sneaky like hunters. May also have bigger dragon like before, and bad guys. Be careful."[/color] That being said Orchid still intended to focus entirely on the dragon itself. He figured that if they defeated the dragon, it would crush the morale of the kobolds, and possibly even route the enemy forces. Wishful thinking perhaps, but Orchid was dead set on his plan.