[quote=@Masterkeun] [@Raineh Daze] 1) by no means is Excalibur on par with a nuclear blast let alone "much worse" 2) Gilgamesh he doesn't have weapons of Excalibur's level. He has the prototypes of the best weapons. 3) that isn't the power of Excalibur that was the power of her Magic Circuits flowed into the weapon which amplifies the users magical abilities. [/quote] 1) Nuclear blasts leave survivors and don't automatically obliterate everything. People have survived ground zero of a nuclear blast, albeit rarely. "White light that vapourises all it touches" is its actual description. That's pretty certain. 2) Uh... Merodach, Ea, the Vimana's ancient indian supernukes. His prototypes are actually better than the later weapons they're based off. Hell, Iskander's chariot is Excalibur's level and would be in there. 3) ... so the power of Excalibur is... activating Excalibur with as much mana as you have! Which, conveniently, is enough to destroy anything in the path of the beam. Good job. [@thewizardguy] He also failed to attack Fenris and, as noted, is already cut off from the power that would require him to take entire nukes to melt. He'd be pretty dead from Excalibur and if he [i]wasn't[/i] dead from Excalibur, we've entered the awkward zone of "he's untouchable to everyone except Gil because [i]that's no-selling every weapon we have[/i]." Excalibur's more powerful than a nuke but it doesn't have the range. An incredibly hot rapid expansion of gases might be devastating, but it's not quite as final as evaporating an elder god. :p And Gil has a specific advantage in Magnus's claim of being a demigod. If this fight really goes on like that, it would have to end execution-style, wouldn't it?