Brannor found the company of the others at the ready, only one amiss at the moment but he assumed the other man was well on his way - how such an attack on the keep directly could go unnoticed the aspirant of the [i]Silver Lady[/i] could not even wrestle with in though, especially not now - but they found themselves fortunate to have another addition in his momentary absence. She introduced herself hurriedly almost a breath after the halfling with sword and instrument drawn, posed the obvious and reasonable question of just what all they intended to do. There was a number of things the sanctified warrior had tracked, hunted, pursued and ultimately slain, even in foul weather or raging violence but none of which were a dragon, let alone draconic in slight until this night. However, there was one thing he knew well about dragons that he did not doubt and that was the most awesome part of the beast was its legendary ability to breath gouts of flame... or worse. Fire by comparison was tame, but he had heard word that there were other things such as freezing fog or even lightning some of them could spout. It was enough that as his hand held the arrow knocked against the bow, intensely listening to the others whilst he kept to the stone's cover, he offered really nothing more than emphasizing that fact. It was the most concerning, after all, at least to him given his earlier brush with death in the night. He would rather face a siege of kobolds, as at least those tiny scaled fodder could be fought on conventional terms. Even their human allies were a superior choice at that. Orchid's plan, as lunatic as it was, at least had some merit to it in the fact that if [i]anyone[/i] stood a chance at harpooning the leviathan at all, the green skinned man clothed in next to nothing was their most likely candidate. As for climbing and mounting the thing to fight it on its own aerial terms, that Brannor could barely entertain in fantasy, but it wasn't his business. Keeping the defenders spread apart was; the keep acted both for and against them, after all. It blessed them with cover but confined them in ways the airborne dragon could undoubtedly witness and act on by raining hell down upon them from high. If wise, it might just repeat such a process of attrition until its minions could finish the work for it. Shaking his head and exhaling with a subtle snarl to his tone, he returned his attention to his company, looking back to them in brief and removing his tremendous hand from the fletching that surrounded the arrow upon the string. "Do what you will against it to drive the cursed monster off or kill it outright, but avoid congregating. If any of its company are fool enough to take the ramparts, I will deal with them." He did not wait for a reaction, pivoting back to the front again with a sway of his forest cloak and lightly drawing upon the arrow, scanning the skies not far beyond where he stood concealed and being ever more cautious not to silhouette himself before the open door. Again, while the gloom of night and the eerie haze of smoke and dim glow of distant flames made it difficult to see, Brannor had to trust his other senses not to fail him. They were keen, refined things - as was his sight that pierced the darkness - but the dragon was certainly no idle enemy, especially not he took it while it was on the attack. [hider=Rolls] Rolled a [url=]11[/url] for Perception to attempt to see the location of the dragon. Passive Perception of 13 is higher. Rolled a [url=]16[/url] for Perception as advantage if the dragon's location can be better discerned by sound. [/hider] [@Hekazu][@Ryonara][@Phoenix][@Lucius Cypher][@Gordian Nought][@Norschtalen]