Er... Excalibur's not entirely relevant to this conversation but it totally bypasses perfect magic resistance. It'd still vaporize you if you have A-rank magic resistance. It's the atomization of every single thing the light washes over, and it's just a blast of prana that magic resistance doesn't really do anything against. It kills an evil Extradimensional God and one-shots the Holy Grail... and in one route of Fate kills Gil himself and totally bypasses any magic resistance. ... Also apparently daemonic saves are negated by magic weapons according to friends who know Warhammer so uh. In any case, um... if he's really that durable this is ridiculous? Especially since he's kind of shown to not be already since Youmu cut him successfully and Youmu's weapons are strong but not like, top-rank Noble Phantasm level... except maybe stuff like Reflecting Satellite Slash and 200 Yojana in One Slash but those are techniques and not direct functions of the weapons. If you say he's this durable(if he actually [i]is[/i] this durable) I honestly think he never should have been accepted. None of my characters can flat out no-sell anything but the absolute strongest attacks from one of the more powerful characters in the RP. Gilgamesh can't do that. I can't think of any other characters in the RP that can do that. Sure there's some characters who would be at a serious disadvantage against others but um...