Ahnasha joined Fendros in searching the bodies, looking first for their commanders. Silver and other metals were valuable, but the most helpful salvage they could find was usually information. Letters, maps, orders, and anything else that they could use to learn more about the enemy was always a priority. Granted, the enemy was generally intelligent about protecting sensitive information, but they were sometimes lucky enough to encounter commanders who were too overconfident to bother with such measures. Ahnasha, unlike Fendros, still did not wear armor, despite the availability of light chitin plates. She preferred to wear the least amount of bulk as possible, so she had never moved away from wearing furs. However, her magical abilities offered her some quite effective means of keeping herself protected. "Mine too." Ahnasha answered. "Not many left now. Hircine willing, we'll get the last of them on this mission. Wasn't expecting to get anything at all, but I'm glad I brought them. This turned out to be more interesting than a simple delivery." Kaleeth removed her helmet and hooked it onto her belt on her side. She could tolerate wearing it, but she could never really find it comfortable. It was unavoidable for her fins to be pressed against her head, which was a persistent irritant whenever she needed to wear it. As she approached Ahnasha and Fendros to help with the bodies, she continued with the banter she had overheard moments before. "Oh, there's no need for you two to compete. I'm sure you're both doing just fine...from a distance, away from all the swords and pointy spears." She chuckled. Inside the cave, after allowing a few moments for their injured ally to dispense with her surprise and awe at meeting the Champion, Meesei and Sabine began their work on treating her injury. They had bandaged her up and treated her to he best of their ability, but a simple healing potion was not enough for her wounds. Working under a hovering magelight spell, Meesei first focused on removing any silver dust or shards that might remain in her arm. Fortunately, it was a task that she and Sabine has plenty of experience with. Meesei was focused, but she did not need to focus to such an extent that she could not question the werebears' leader about what they had learned. "Your runner said that you had learned 'surprising' information about our enemy's operations in the area. I would appreciate you elaborating on that, while we are here." She requested. "Yeah, just give me a moment..." The Orc started before rummaging through one of his bags to produce a small stack of parchments. "So he said...yeah. The short answer is that the enemy is doing things that make no kind of sense. I didn't believe it at first, but we saw the evidence with our own eyes. It's like some of Vile's agents have become aspiring Justicars, because now, all of the sudden, they're going after Talos worshippers as well as lycans. Got whole teams dedicated to it, and have been sending coin and information to Thalmor Justicars." Meesei's eyes widened. "That is...alarming. Has Vile forged some kind of alliance with the Aldmeri Dominion? They may be fulfilling their part of whatever bargain they have made." "That's the thing, we haven't seen anything pointing to them actually working with the Thalmor in any other way. In fact, some Justicars happened upon one of the enemy's outposts a few weeks back and got into a skirmish once they spotted a shrine to the Daedra. It was a bloodbath between the both of them, saved us some work. But, they still both keep going after Talos worshippers." He explained. Meesei was silent for a few moments in thought, but even she could not find any pattern or reason in the information she had been given. "Well, you are certainly correct that it does not make sense."