[center][b][color=00746b][h2]Kyzler the cursed hunter[/h2][/color][/b] [/center] [hr]([i][@Fetzen]@ the Tavern [/i])[hr] Kyzler chuckled to himself once again. Clearly the progress of the conversation was amusing him. The lack of drink in his hand not so much. He threw a few impetuous sharp looks towards the waiter in hopes that it would be remedied before carrying on. [b]"Settle down, there will be many a more opportunities for us to get ourselves killed."[/b] Ky paused to look around the room with a quick thought. [b]"Can't tell if I'd rather chase 'er alone or with this mob, beside cannon fodder they wouldn't do much good beside get me killed. Rule 17: Never chase a witch! Where is she gonna go? Some where safe, familiar, where she has the upper hand. Maybe even friends already there or traps just awaitin for some fool to come blindly rushing in."[/b] Ky looks down as he shakes his head. [b]"No, never chase a witch. It might be just exactly the thing she was hoping for."[/b] Lifting his head back up a wide smile had taken his lips as he moved onto a new thought. [b]"Well, if ya ain't concerned about putting the townsfolk's mind at rest or getting ya hands on a big juicy coin pouch from the mayor."[/b] Ky unrolls a large heavy leather sheet onto the table. As it unfolds there is clanking of metal objects. Eventually it is revealed to be two fine ornate sturdy old swords laying side by side in the middle. [b]"Something like this is definitely more efficient."[/b] He was clearly proud of his swords and glowed like a parent at the chance to show them off. While clearly they wore the signs of ageing and would be considered far from pristine, they were filled with details of attentive love. The faint indent of runes and hieroglyphic markings ran down the blade to disappear under the refurbished hilt. [hr][hr] [center][h3] Kill the Spyder [/h3][/center] [sub] Concerning:[@WeepingLiberty][@Rune_Alchemist][@Dark Light][/sub] Arden ran like mad, swerving and fumbling about as he narrowly avoided being skewered by the giant beast. He had no clue what the others were doing. There was a flash behind him and for a moment he didn't feel as though the creature has hot on his tail. [b] 'THWACK, CRASH, THUD, THUD!' [/b] As the creature turned to look elsewhere, it swung around its midsection which sent a hail of legs piercing down around Aden. He practically ran into the first one, instinctively putting up his hands to soften the impact his heart dropped as he felt the vile he was holding shatter against the monsters thick armoured skin. The magic liquid mingled with his own blood as it ran down and around the jagged shards of glass now protruding his flesh to fall dripping to the floor. The creature didn't even notice and carried on moving, the many legs were operating like a pump, up and down, up and down. Arden continued his zigzag nearly clear of the current danger and almost in reaching distance of the fire.