[quote=@Hylozoist] Thanks! But, well, I don't really see it as criticism; this is my first time running a game for people online, and I need to make sure that we're all happy with the direction this ship is going, so to speak. Talking about what works and what doesn't is an important discussion to have. I want to run a game that makes people happy! This isn't to say that I don't have my own ideas, but "helping my players have a good time" is the first priority. Hopefully, most of the time, I get it right. Sometimes, though, I'll have to ask to make sure I get it right. And, sometimes, I'll have to be told by others when I've got it wrong. Apologies as ever for the rambling, but, basically, don't fret at all about telling me what I can change to make this work better for you. It will be hard, at times, to juggle everyone's needs, but I've put the GM Hat on to run a game that people will enjoy first and foremost, rather than to demand people play in the sandbox we've come together to make in a certain way. [/quote] I'm not even technically a player yet and I'm still happy with how all this is going. xD [quote=@DracoLunaris] a little ship time sounds fun so long as we don't keep [@Fancy Party] waiting to long. [/quote] I'm actually fine with waiting for the time being, gives me more time to refine my introductory post ideas. Plus this is one of the few games I actually enjoy reading.