[hider=Claire Bright][center] [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/f8be/f/2009/247/b/6/b6db1d29b2872d6b0a3dd4a010064698.jpg[/img] [color=aquamarine][h3]Name:[/h3][/color] Claire Bright [color=aquamarine][h3]Age:[/h3][/color] 21 [color=aquamarine][h3]Gender:[/h3][/color] Neither [color=aquamarine][h3]Race:[/h3][/color] Elf [color=aquamarine][h3]Element:[/h3][/color] Water [color=aquamarine][h3]Appearance:[/h3][/color] Small, Lithe build Has two different colored eyes Tanned skin Blonde Hair Farmer Clothes (neutral) [color=aquamarine][h3]Personality:[/h3][/color] Curious, Shy, and Respectful [color=aquamarine][h3]Biography:[/h3][/color] Never having known...its own gender, Claire's parents have always kept Claire hidden away from the world as much as they could in the Kingdom of Sama. Rarely did the child's parents ever sent Claire out to the forest or the nearby towns/villages to gather as much as the family needed to last for upcoming months. Over time, Claire was taught the healing arts of light...the child's parents were once gifted healers after all of the kingdom, though supposedly now retired. Claire had quite the knack for healing, often practicing in the forests that were near the child's hut. Finally, when the call to action was placed upon the child's parents, they decided to give Claire a chance to find a true calling in life...thus now the new adult in a new world responds to the call, hoping to make a difference and to find out the true meaning in living. [color=aquamarine][h3]Evolution[/h3][/color] 1) Develops clothes toward either a male or female 2) Gains a staff 3) Gains Holy Robes while finally gaining a Gender [color=aquamarine][h3]Theme[/h3][/color] None [color=aquamarine][h3]Misc.:[/h3][/color] 1) Good Swimmer 2) Has a degree of knowledge on medical plants and sea life 3) Good Fisher [/center][/hider]