"...So you were done..." Ayami was a tad disappointed as her opponent ended their turn, but she shook off the premonition of something bad happening in the near future and instead simply drew a card. It wasn't exactly what she had been expecting, but upon thinking for a small while longer, she realized that it could work to her advantage well enough. She'd be lacking a bit of protection, but compared to the alternatives she couldn't really complain. "I activate the Spell Card Twin Twisters," Ayami said, sending a copy of Ghost Ogre and Snow Rabbit to the Graveyard in order to activate it. "The targets are Zombie World and Temple of the Sun." In an instant, a pair of whirling tornadoes flew out of her Duel Disk, one slamming into the temple behind her opponent's Monster and one into the ground itself. The two were destroyed in the chaos, to which Ayami breathed a light sigh of relief. Two less problems to deal with now. "Now, I activate another copy of Preparation of Rites, this time adding Nekroz of Brionac to my hand. By the second effect of the card, I also add Nekroz Kaleidoscope from my Graveyard to my hand. Then, I activate Nekroz of Brionac's effect; by discarding this card, I can add one Nekroz monster to my hand--that will be Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz." Everything seemed to be going along well enough, so Ayami continued the rest of the plan she had in mind. "Next, I shall activate Nekroz Cycle and tribute Shurit for the summon of Nekroz of Trishula. Because of Shurit's effect, I only need him to summon this swordsman." From a shining blue beam of light, the warrior clad in draconic armor stepped forward, his eyes steely and full of resolve as he pointed his blade at Ayami's opponent. "By Trishula's effect, I can banish one card from your hand, field, and Graveyard on summon. Targets are Zombie World, Il Blud, and... That card of yours there," she said, pointing to a random one in the rider's hand. "Then, by Shurit's effect, I shall add a second Nekroz of Brionac to my hand." [i]"Yes, this is about right. Time to push an offensive."[/i] "Battle Phase. Trishula, attack directly." Assuming nothing else occurred, her turn would end there. All that was left now was to see if a turnabout would occur...