All right, I've stepped away from work to address this issue, because I'm getting a little peeved - which is a given. This system was planned months in advance, practiced and worked out to ensure the set up would be functional. The Battle System, mind you, is for [i]us[/i] to configure. In reality, the core value sets are just that, for us to configure battle damage and outputs in regard to enemies. Because, frankly, I like giving the opportunity for players to write without worrying about such things, as I can work about it, with the reconstructed system I've planned. When you think about it, the Core values shouldn't make or break the character, it's just a little fun thing to add on to round out the SOLDIER and to give a bit of an edge to a role play. In the end, a lot of it is being over processed. So, allow me to nip this in the bud. The Archer Core Value, being labeled under chance, is a simple [i]use of wording[/i]. The set chance values for SOLDIERS are rolled between a set increment, where as an Archer Value is rolled between 100-300. The resulting number, say 250, is then multiplied to the final damage output - after all values are considered and applied - why? Because, in my [i]silly[/i] little head, I view "Archers" as being able to see critical points and exploit them to translate to [i]damage[/i]. Thus, the wording, thus, the situation at hand. Caster and Saboteurs relate to [i]damage[/i] which is a set value of 200 that is multiplied to a critical roll. And example of this could be 200 literally multipled to 1 or 2, depending on the roll. All SOLDIERS originally have a 50% critical chance. Where as Archers can have 300. [I've explained why above.] 100 is already a given, so even if the roll falls low, they still critically damage an opponent based on the value given to the action. Unless the entire battle system and configuration [i]has[/i] to be lain out, then this should suffice. edit. I probably sound hostile, which is not the tone conveyed here, just to clarify. If there is any further issues or concerns, feel free to private message me.