[quote=@Stern Algorithm] [color=a187be]"Do you have a destination in mind?"[/color] She asked Damien, wondering if there was some family secret that had been entrusted to him alone. [/quote] [color=green]"Yeah Dad told me about a cavern where we can find some weapons to fight back against Merrick with before I came out to get you all." [/color] Damien began as they began loading the car with all of their belongings. [color=green] "But you wont like where it's at...Located under the castle in a cave." [/color] Meanwhile Merrick stood atop his balcony looking out at his army who was about to go off on his yearly search throughout the kingdom for the body or resting place of the Collins family each of the last 20 years he did this to no avail and to all but his soldiers it seemed like a show of power. Towering above the infantry troops were a large squadron of Mobile Suits designed to be as powerful as the Gundams locked away in the cave he hunted for. Deep in his mind he knew those Mobile Suits could never live up but with the Collins family dead no one was alive that could open the chamber anyway. The lines all snapped to attention and saluted their king including the Mobile Suits which consisted of a mixture of Zaku, Gouf, and one lone Kampfer who was piloted by Merrick's Right hand, Dominic Gormin. A man so infamous among the kingdom he became known as the Fatal Hand. His Mobile Suit has even been customized to fit him better ad is known as the Kampfer Amazing. Many who see it and oppose it have never lived to tell the tale. [hider=Images to note] Zaku [img] http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/0083/ms-06f2.jpg [/img] Gouf [img] http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/1/1d/MS-07B3.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120306174807 [/img] Kampfer Amazing [img] http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/d/dd/PPMS-18E_K%C3%A4mpfer_Amazing_-_Front.png/revision/latest?cb=20131124174727 [/img] [/hider]