[@Hellis] - I'll be honest, I was hoping for a new concept from you, but I can't deny that you've adapted Kain to the current time line and we see a place for him through this plot structure. I love, the most, that he's now a Berserker type rather than a Sentinel compared to his former origin. Just adjust your Trivia section to follow the format of your sheet and post him up. edit. It was brought to my attention that Inner Flame might become too over powered. There needs to be an implied cap to how much damage he can take and deliver with this particular ability. [@Noxious] - As always, your characters are a delight. You've adapted well the lore provided, especially with Regents, and I love the idea of the dependencies you've provided for the character. Great colour scheme and choice of aesthetic, her entire concept is well thought out and consistent, and I love seeing that. Post her up when you're able. [@Wade Wilson] - Maybe. I've thought about a Discord chat. But, I don't want the ooc to be abandoned nor neglected. [@The Survivor] - Splendid! [s]I'm really looking forward to your character.[/s] You just submitted him, allow us to read and discuss. Thanks! [@Hexaflexagon] - I drooled a little. I really love this character, and I'm impressed by how well you've constructed a true guardian type character. You took very well to the lore of The Fayth. I was a little worried none would, but you proved well. The entire character is a treat, and I look forward to his development and interactions with some characters. Especially with how the cast is rounding out. Post him up whenever.