[centre][h1][b][color=fff200]Niesha[/color][/b][/h1] [img]http://i65.tinypic.com/2prbtlc.jpg[/img] building one, the infirmary [/centre] While Titania appeared fine, Niesha wasn't going to take anymore chances. She'd check her out head to toe, if she had to. She didn't want to lose anyone else because of her incompetence. [color=fff000]"I understand that, but..."[/color] She sighed, and gave a shrug, moving her hands down, squeezing Titania's arms, hands, [color=fff000]"Can you do this for me?"[/color] She asked, demonstrating pressing her own ribs, and chest, although she suspected everything was okay there, given that the woman seemed to be talking easily enough. Once that was done, Nieshaa moved to grab some things, seeking to clean any cuts or scrapes that Titania had, as well as bandage anything that needed that little bit of support. [color=fff000]"I hope there is no more problems too, but it sounds like a war zone out there"[/color] She said with a sigh, patching Titania up as best she could [color=fff000]"Probably best to keep you here."[/color] She hoped that Sophia was okay, but not wanting to get herself worked up, Niesha pushed those thoughts away. She had to focus on what was in front of her. [color=fff000]"There's more injuried coming in from outside newman, not to mention those out in the streets injuried from the blasts, if any of them are badly hurt, Froggy will send them here, Kris...I know you don't know much about this, but maybe you could collect info on whats wrong with them? that way I can know who needs my attention first, which is more serious, and if I can do anything for them"[/color] She said after drawing in a deep breath to soothe herself.