Fendros jerked his head towards Lorag in agreement. "I don't think we can take credit for the jaws, but for chewing anything in front of you? Lorag's right, we created a monster." "A lovely and kind monster, thank you very much," Janius called out. He was in probably the best position to say so, not for his relationship, but because he was Kaleeth's primary mentor for the longest time. Fendros laughed. "She doesn't need you defending her, Janius. We're just messing around." Fendros stood up with a sheathed silver dagger and a coinpurse in one hand. "I take it none of you were hurt on the frontline again? I know the armour is a great help, but it's beginning to seem a bit too easy. I remember when an attack like this would take at least a day of planning and the use of our beast forms." [hr] Once Sabine had administered her newly ground alchemical salve, she focussed on treating the silver wound. Meesei had put a close to the conversation, prompting Sabine to not continue it. It was a sensitive matter, after all. She spent her time thinking about it while treating. After a while, Sabine gave the Breton woman a kind smile. "What is your name?" She asked. After answering, Sabine declared. "You will not lose your arm. It will hurt for a few weeks, though." [hr] The council was quiet for several seconds. All of them knew about the Penitus Oculatus to some degree, whether it be rumours or real accounts of their actions. Vera was the first to speak up. "This is concerning either way we put it. We made pains to keep the clans a secret from major governments, not just for the land we hold, but for what they would do if they found out about our nature. It seems they know the latter, at least." "Sounds like bait to me," Oswall said in his gruff manner. "They want our attention? That means they probably don't know we're here. However, being that this is our headquarters, perhaps that isn't a safe assumption. If I were them, confronted with a threat that I don't know the full spread or strength of, you know how I would handle this from a military viewpoint?" The council exchanged glances. "I would enter diplomacy. That's what." Darahil gave his opinion. "They are not a threat unless they take our information. 'Diplomacy' is one way to try and take that." The High-Elf's eyes wandered to Saras. "Can they reasonably find Blackreach, Saras?"