In a galaxy outside of The Milky Way and yet it dips into The Milky Way for two months out of the Earth year, is a galaxy was called The Bridge Mix for it was a mixture of unique masses of geodes and meteors that float around the galaxy. It was newly made for magic users or the ones with a Magical Core. In this galaxy is a lonely planet called Safe Haven. It had a warm star called Solaria and a cooler star called Lunaria. They each ruled for 12 hours out of the day. On Safe Haven was a land mass called Sanctuary. On Sanctuary was a small community of magic users. Most of the magic users were of the common stock. Only one stood out and that one was Lady Violetta. She was given the job of running an academy of magic. All of these people were once from Earth but they do not remember being there except Lady Violetta. She needed to remember for she was to get students from Earth that had a magical core. None of them will be happy that they would be taken from Earth to study for a year. Hopefully they would return for a second year after they go home. Only time will tell……… Lady Violetta was pacing the floor while she was waiting for her new teacher and students. She was close to entering the Milky Way and would only be there for about 4 weeks. However, as the planet Earth turns, Safe Haven would stay in place by a magical force. The reason being that it would give a chance to any student on the planet to safely teleport to Safe Haven by touching a specific picture. This picture would have a small silver name plate which would read: [COLOR="#EE82EE"]Caldwell's Academy of Magical Talents and Draconic Academy. Please touch to enter. [/COLOR] If person happen to have a strong enough magical core, he or she would in an instant be transported to 'The Fall'. The trip would give the student a sensation of falling through the picture. [HIDER=Picture] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/HIDER] Once the student lands, Lady Violetta will greet the student and make sure that he or she is not hurt in any way. Then the student will stand not too far from the landing in a safe place and waits until all of the students arrive. This year Lady Violetta was going to do things a bit different and hopes that things would go more smoothly. A trip to the bedroom floor would be first, just in case anyone happens to have luggage with them. She frowns at the thought of one student from last year. She had brought several bags of luggage and expected to have a servant at her disposal! She did not last long for she was weak in the mind. She had been very spoiled by her parents and was too demanding for Lady Violetta to work with. She was glad that she had two weeks to work with the students before she had to leave The Milky Way. There were a few others that did not follow orders and the result was disastrous. They did not make it home because of their foolish behavior. While it was their own fault for doing things that they should not have and Lady Violetta spoke about not trying to do something that was not taught by her, she felt responsible for not taking the books they had brought away from them. She would make sure that it would not happen again. She had several servants that were drafted into service of assisting students to settle in their rooms with the instructions of bringing any books to her. They could stun the student if needed but nothing more. The sun could not be seen here nor the moon but the grand clock struck the hours which told Lady Violetta what time it was. She put on her cloak and smile while she thinking of happy thoughts of seeing new students. Her staff was near the door and was taken with her as she went out. The selected staff was standing at attention and the butler was there at the head of the line. He stepped forward and bowed his head, the staff did the same. “Everyone knows what to do?” Lady Violetta spoke crisply. “Yes, milady.” Was the short reply. All of the staff was instructed a short reply was all that was needed unless Lady Violetta wanted more. If she did want more information she would ask for more. “Very well then, Bascomb. Let us greet the new students. They should be falling in soon enough. I do hope that we get someone for the Draconic Academy. I won’t be able to handle all of the classes if we don’t.” Lady Violetta spoke as she headed to the great door.