[h3]Ruvik, Zinovia, Ahanu, & Lotus[/h3] Just as the cougar was about to make harsh contact with Ruvik, out of nowhere, he felt much force against his side and soon enough he was kissing and rolling in the dirt. He heard Ahanu and Lotus gasping from their position in the bushes, though he was in much confusion which made him unsure of what happened. [b][i]Did she... get me? Is this what dying is like? Nothing?[/i][/b] His thoughts intruded. He attempted to sit up and shook his head out when he realized he was not experiencing the onset of death. His head whirled around just in time to see a snow white fox fleeing from the cougar, who was taken down by another wolf. Words were exchanged from the fox as she ran off to hide and soon enough the feline predator was running off into the trees, beaten and hungry. In a way, he kinda felt bad for her. Rex spoke up and sat down, showing no harm. Lotus quickly ran to Ruvik's side and helped him to his paws, examining him closely. "I thought you were going to be dogmeat for sure. Nothing more than a few bumps and bruises, though." She affectionately licked his side were Snow made an impact, though the gesture was more in a motherly and sisterly way. Ruvik shook his fur out and simply nodded, grunting a bit as he finally pieced together all that had just happened. It was all so fast, but no one was hurt. “Who are [i]we[/i]? Who are [i]you[/i]?” Ahanu approached Rex with a curious look in his eye, swishing his tail to and fro. “[i]We[/i] are no one as a whole. [i]I’m[/i] Ahanu. My wolf brother that your fox friend knocked to the ground is Ruvik, and the wolfdog is Lotus.” [i]”What’s going on here?”[/i] Ruvik, Lotus, and Ahanu looked in the direction of a familiar voice. Zinovia, Ruvik’s mother, had returned from a hunt, her white fur bloodied, a deer carcass laying a few feet behind her. Ahanu looked back at Rex and chuckled. “And that’s Zinovia, Ruvik’s mother. She’s a saint.”