[b]Name:[/b] Diane Ranneh [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Position:[/b] Captain [b]Appearance: [/b][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/deadliestfiction/images/a/a7/H_Saeko_Busujima.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121112041759[/img] [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Personality:[/b] Diane is a hard worker, and doesn't mind getting her hands dirty. Actually, it s a bit hard for her to stand still sometimes because she always feels there's more that she could be doing. She knows how to raise crops and prefers the outdoors. She's extremely confident in her skills and doesn't mind proving what she's capable of. [b]Bio: [/b] Diane grew up in the care of her grandfather, an old hermit who took her in. She didn't know who her parents were, only that they entrusted her to the old man before leaving to god knows where. Though the old man appeared feeble, his body was surprisingly strong and he took it as his mission to make sure Diane too was strong. He did this by training his 'grand daughter' from a young age in swords techniques and acrobatics. Diane had a relatively peaceful childhood. This all changed one day. Diane's grandfather called her to his room, while he was looking out through a window and told her to go to the valley he used to train her before becoming sick and not come back till the sun was down. When Diane tried asking for information the man became cold, angry, it was a first for Diane so she didn't press the issue and did as she was told. She returned to her home several hours later, but it wasn't her home any more. All that was left were charred ruins. She found her grandfather's body at the doorway, surrounded by the lifeless forms of several marines. There was a deep gash in his chest from where the final sword had been driven in. Unsure of what to do next Diane spent the night in the ruins, and fell asleep crying by her grandfather's side. The first thing she did the following morning was bury the old man, and put a smile pile of rocks to act as a gravestone. That done she grabbed two of the swords the marines had left behind and strapped them to her back. She went down the mountain into town to see what she could learn about who it was that killed her grandfather. All she managed to learn was there was only one marine who came down the mountains. He was a big man with a handle bar mustache, and was full of wounds, the most notable was his left eye which wasn't there and his right hand which had gone with the hand. With nothing else to do Diane traded what few possessions she had to voyage on a merchant ship to whatever town he was going. The trip was mostly uneventful until a group of pirates boarded the ship at night and killed off most of the crew. Diane managed to escape with the ship's owner on a lifeboat. The man died of injuries a few hours later, but not before thanking the woman for trying to save him. He told her that if she kept rowing the way they were going she'd reach land in a day, maybe two. The last thing he did before dying was giving her the only valuable he managed to save from his ship, the sanpa-sanpa no mein. Others: [b]Ability:[/b] Diane has recently eaten the Sanpa-Sanpa no mein(Thumper-Thumper fruit) which is a zohan type fruit that grants the user the ability to transform into a rabbit, or a rabbit-human hybrid. -Diane is proficient with dual wielding swords.