[@Blueflame] Wanga and Juma started walking through the jungle, both happy to have company alongside them. [hr] [@Ryouko] Shupavu nodded as at his guard's report. "Thank you kindly, Cyren." He remembered how Kc wanted to be an adviser when she grew up. He was about to ask him how her training went, but it looked like he was headed somewhere else. [i]In that case, I'll ask the cub herself when she returns.[/i] He then looked down at Gumu indicating for him to reply now. "I will!" Gumu shouted after him before looking back to his father, hoping for him to start. Shupavu smiled as he looked over the lands from his perch and began telling him all the things he would be responsible for when his turn to be king comes around. He made sure explain by that time, he would no longer be there so Gumu would have to do whatever he could to keep things the way the always were. "Maybe you'll have your own guard, one day." He smiled as he started down the rock. Gumu listened intently and was intrigued. He didn't know he would have so many responsibilities as king. It amazed him to no end. "Wow." He followed his father down the rock.