Username: Priderock Name: Melusine Nocturne Age: Considered young for a dragon, Melusine has yet to reach her second century. Her calmed state paints her as a woman in her mid-twenties. Gender: Female Race: Dragon Weapons: As a noble Melusine rarely has to rely on her own abilities for self – defense. She does carry a small assortment of ornate, thin stiletto knives. She is also skilled in archery, though it is more of a noble hobby and she is rarely seen carrying a bow for any other purpose. Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img] [/img][/hider] I’m really not a fan of using images for a couple reasons but here you are. Found this image on deviantart. I want to point out that while this image essentially captures what she looks like, it is oversexualized and she would typically dress more modestly. Divine Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img][/img][/hider] Personality: Melusine is somewhat notorious for being hot tempered and harsh spoken, much to the headaches of her father. She is quick to get involved and to force others to include her when making important decisions, especially those involving the royal line. Oftentimes people mistake her sharp personality for cruelty, resulting in most hesitating to get close to her. She does allow a small circle of individuals to know her softer side, those marked by the fact that she tolerates them referring to her as “Mel.” Short Biography: Melusine was born the second daughter of the Nocturne family. Strong willed as a child, Melusine exhibited the fiery passions and curiosities innate within her dragonkin more so than most. So often was it that Melusine was placing herself in dangerous situations and confrontations that her father had to assign a bodyguard to her to ensure her safety and occasionally the safety of those around her. In an attempt reign in Melusine’s temperament Lord Rylon has established her as an emissary to the other dragon kingdoms hoping she would better master the customs and courtesies necessary for one of her pedigree. While Melusine detests this role and makes few friends carrying out the wishes of her father, her keen intellect and relentless nature inarguably make her a very effective negotiator. Here you are. I can write more if you desire but for the most part I hope to flesh this character out as the RP develops. Let me know if I took too many liberties or if there’s something I’m missing.