[center][color=lightcoral][h2]Ruby[/h2][/color][b]Route 9 (toward Brittanium City) [@I-Am-X] [@TalijaKey] [@itano123] [@Sho Minazuki][/b][/center] Another direct hit! This might be their first encounter of a real battle but Ruby was confident that they weren't doing too bad. ....Or so she thought until the aggressive Pokemon made a tricky move and swatted the poor Fletching away. With a quick turn of her head, Ruby looked over to where Francis had landed and saw that Danilo was tending to his partner. Nodding to herself that it was up to Berry and Zap to continue the fight, the little girl decided that if the bear Pokemon wanted to play tricky, they had to up their own game. [color=lightcoral]"Berry, it's time to dazzle the stage~!"[/color] The Sylveon understood what the command had meant, barking back in response happily. Berry concentrated on its energy as the surroundings were suddenly wrapped in a thick mist, a Misty Terrain, making the Ursaring unable to see. It may not know where its opponents were going to attack it from, but Zap and Berry can see the big figure of the Ursaring. [color=lightcoral]"We might not see it from afar but try to dodge this~! Disarming Voice!"[/color] Letting out a charming voice, a ray of pink hearts emanated from the Sylveon's mouth and towards the opponent.