[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/2Z9HIRq.png[/img] [h2][color=00aeef]Klaus[/color][/h2][/center] Klaus was at the far end of the scene, with dead bodies of those bandits around her. Wiping the blood off her sword, she galloped her horse back to the group of Knights. She had eliminated the bandits, except for some lucky ones that escaped her field of sight. [i]A Black Knight...? Was it the one the spear girl's been referring to?[/i] Klaus was surprised to see the one in the carriage to be the Black Knight, and not to mention a young girl inside. Looking at how the other Knights went ahead with the questioning, no doubt that was the guy they were looking for. She stood down the the moment, crunching on the same old potatoes that she had been eating the whole day. Its better to let the senior do the talking for now. Now to think about it, the word 'senior' doesn't really fit for someone with the face of a 10 year old girl. She found the whole situation unnaturally peaceful, despite the fall of a fort and bandits. [i]Probably just my imagination, sigh...[/i]