[img]http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb396/rubixon/tripz_zpssx4ll04d.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Miranda Meadows aka Cap'n Trips aka Trips [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Birth Place:[/b] Bayonne, New Jersey [b]Drawn Card:[/b] Ace [i](Or Ace-Joker depending on the "Friend" of the moment)[/i] [b]Card Manifestation:[/b] Miranda Meadows has the power to transform into several different "Aces" by ingesting psychoactive drugs--typically of her own creation. The transformations are extensive, as Miranda not only changed physically, but adopts a completey different personality when she becomes one of her alter egos. The One Eyed Jack has dubbed these alternate identities Miranda's "friends." [b]Character History: [/b] Miranda Meadows is a genius. She is, however, in most measures a FAILED genius. A child prodigy raised in a single parent household, a father that worked in a computer repair shop for thirty years before Apple Stores and smart phones put such a large computer repair shop out of business. By then Miranda was a teenager with a smart mouth and a bad grades, hanging with the wrong crowds. At some point the child prodigy became too smart for her own good; bored by schoolwork and cynical about pleasing school staff, romanced by the street politics of New York City, by the underbelly. Whereas she should have been in a private school for the gifted, she was in a series of public schools, having been kicked out of the last one for hacking, and the one before that for causing a "minor" explosion in a science lab when she should've been doing assigned lab work instead. But fuck that shit, boring as fuck, and Miranda hadn't the time or patience for it. That meant no MIT, no Harvard, no NYU. Instead she began crashing Columbia courses inbetween her real classes at several of the best Junior/Community Colleges in the city. The mix of settings, and more importantly the mix of individuals she met at these radically different academic institutions, provided Miranda with an extremely unique lists of contacts. She began making money by making X and LSD for friends as a senior in highschool--by the end of her sophomore year she was the preferred "street chemist" for all of Manhattan, the Bronx, and yes, the Bowery. Her father worried, fretted, that she would become a femme Walter White. Miranda would have none of it; she played the game by her rules, and always several steps ahead of both the buyers and the competition. What it amounted to was a transient lifestyle where staying in one place, for too long, was a very bad idea. By the time the virus came, she had safehouses all around the Tri-State area. She spent the initial phase of the outbreak locked inside a sub-basement safehouse that had been used during prohibition, locked behind a false brick wall and a door updated with serious security, hardjacked into city power and several different cable feeds for television, phone, and internet. All run through a loop of misdirection and encryption that even the NSA wasn't getting through unless it wanted to throw the power of the entire agency into the effort. But by that point, the NSA had much bigger problems. At first she began peeking out using drones, simply looking, and little else. What she saw was a shitshow of murder and debauchery; though enraged by some of what she saw, and saddened by most the rest, she was too cautious to step outside her secret safehouse. That was, until Jack found her. Miranda still has no idea how he found her, who he is, or how a hacker could be as good as he is--but he is that good, and he found her just as she began to become gravely ill. Someone found her safehouse, someone opened that door with all that security, and somebody got her out; she remembers none of it. When she woke up, she was in a safehouse that didn't belong to her, with other people. All of them rescued in similar fashion, one a doctor, one a nurse, the rest simply victims. Near death and desperate, Miranda opened up to the fellow victims of the virus, an incredibly rare feat for her. She got close to the others, all of them using each other for emotional and intellectual support. She was the only victim to make it out of the virus alive. The doctor died, but the nurse simply mutated into what Miranda could only describe as big, humanoid, lizard. Emotionally it was too much, and a still severely weakened Miranda could do nothing but beg for the nurse to put the gun found in a footlocker in the safehouse down. The nurse didn't put the gun down, not until she fell dead from a self inflicted shot to the brain. Miranda sobbed, for maybe the first time in her entire life. Determined to end herself, barely able to stand, she took every chemical in the safehouse and whipped together a cocktail she was certain would give her an incredible high--and kill her. But while the high came, death never did. Instead she became a hippy. A superpowered hippy, obsessed with helping others in desperate situations. Thus the Ace known as the Radical was active for the first time. By the time Miranda woke up, she was in the middle of an orgy, a week after trying to kill herself with the custom cocktail. When memories not her own began to flood in, Miranda became determined to repeat the process and become the Radical again. She didn't. This time, she became a young English girl named the Cosmic Traveler; an Ace capable of weaving the latent cosmic energies around her into manifestations of physical power. Or, as it could much more simply be described, "spells." So far known to unleash incredibly destructive blasts of starlight and using forces such as gravity and magnetism, yet best known for teleporting an entire mob of Jokers and Joker-Aces out of the line of fire of the National Guard, it's unknown whether the Traveler's power is limited to fundamental cosmic forces, or just her imagination. If you believe what you read on The Big Blind, than the Traveler is a known contact of the One Eyed Jack, helping him keep Wild Carders of all "suits" safe from harm. Though Trips, as Jack has codenamed Miranda, is less willing to help Jack, she still begrudgingly agrees to help him when called upon. You know, when she isn't in a safehouse lab, somewhere, mixing up a new drug to see if there are any more "Aces" in her personal deck. Or as Jack calls them, any more "friends" she can call on. [hider=Friends] [img]http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb396/rubixon/radi_zps8b66zrls.jpg[/img] [color=gold][b]Identity:[/b][/color] The Radical, no other name known. [color=gold][b]Age:[/b][/color] Unknown, appears early 30s. [color=gold][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=gold][b]Ace abilities:[/b][/color] Superhuman strength, speed, durability, and senses. [color=gold][b]Personality:[/b][/color] The Radical is just that, radical; radically dedicated to peace and love for all chill enough to deserve it. Who makes that judgment, though, on who is chill enough to deserve it? The Radical, of course. Aggressive with both the ladies and in a fight, but never to the point of becoming uncool. At least for the ladies. [img]http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb396/rubixon/cosmict_zpssvziwo5v.jpg[/img] [color=6f4096][b]Identity:[/b][/color] The Cosmic Traveler, aka Dahlia Strange [color=6f4096][b]Age:[/b][/color] 16 [color=6f4096][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=6f4096][b]Ace abilities:[/b][/color] Wields cosmic energies and weaves them into "spells." It's unknown whether her teleportation of herself and others is simply another "spell", or a greater use of the fundamental forces of the universe. [color=6f4096][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Polite, but standoffish. She believes she once had a family, but for right now, her past is fuzzy to the point of calling it amnesia. She gets along famously with the One Eyed Jack, and may be the only living soul to ever see the One Eyed Jack in person since the outbreak--not even he can hide from her teleportation. Jack likes to joke that Dahlia is what he gets for "leaving a crate full of Doctor Strange comics in one of them footlockers." [/hider]