[center][h2][color=pink]Nanoko[/color][/h2][/center] He was enjoying a hot bath together with a cuddly Vaporeon, snuggling together and just having fun. His friend was comming over to join him soon, and then the fun would really start. However as Nanoko just spoke softly while petting his Vaporeon he started feeling odd, it was like that odd feeling of when something is wrong, he grew worried and decided to excuse himself from the bath to get his cellphone. He called his friend while Vappy was waiting for him, and was relieved when he responded. He talked a bit that he just had a weird feeling and all and that he just wanted to make sure that his friend was ok. Having that confirmed they talked for a while really, and then Nanoko decided to just text everyone he felt close enough too just to say hi and check ho wthey was doing to settle his mind. As soon as he was done however he was about to enter the bathtub when he felt like he was just dragged under the surface, he gasped as he wondered if he was dreaming or had slipped, he never quite hit the ground however and never quite realized what went on before he passed out for a unknown amount of time. When he awoke he was in a meadow, had no recollection of how he had ended up there, but quickly noticed that the grass felt so very tall from where he laid. He shoook his head awake nad got up slowly only to realize the grass still was high above him even after stretching out his for feet to their limit... four?... he looked down, one... two... four... no arms... legs, paws... he was a Pokémon. Looking to him self and his features he came to the conclusion that he was a Skitty. He was a bit surprised at first, but after wiggling his tail in front of his face he had immedietly found himself pouncing at it and trying to play with his tail for a few minutes while laughing to himself, he found himself purring by the time he snapped back to reality and then just laughed a bit more. He found a red bow attached to his ear, he had a feeling it held memories and importance to him even if he didn't know what. Yet as he looked around he couldn't say he felt bad... he felt quite awesome really, he was a Pokémon. He was so happy, curious and playful he decided to dash around the enitre Tiny Meadow just to get a feeling for it. [color=pink]"This is so cool"[/color] he said with a slight blush on his face as he realized how cute and adorable he must look, it made him grin... he just loved being a Skitty so much already.