[center][h1]Inside HPIS[/h1][/center] [h3]Hallway & A bit of Cell Block L-1[/h3] Poncho struggled fruitlessly against the muscled man holding him captive. For a second he considered trying to strike before gazing up at the behemoth and seconding guessing himself. At the proposition the demon sneered, but as he was put down, did as told. His shouts began to fill the room, attempting to calm the rioters. While this was happening, Nefas was being beset upon again. First, the knight of light slammed a flaming shield into his knees, forcing him into a stumble where Old N caught him off guard. This forced him onto one knee, the bullets being fired from Grog grazing his head and causing it to bleed just a bit. The coup de gras came from Deprave, who stepped up and swung his mighty blade down, cracking open Nefas's skull and carving through some grey matter. Nefas slumped over on the blade and his eyes closed themselves. It seemed he was down for the count. The prisoners began cheering. Long live the king, the king is dead and all that. While some immediately ran to the exit, Poncho blocked the exit and began corralling and calming down the masses, as per Deprave's polite suggestion. Although he did have to punch some of them out, the vast majority seemed to be pretty hype about the whole thing. Mob mentality was running wild, as was adrenaline. As soon as Betty arrived, the group was free to go. [h3]Near Betty's Cell[/h3] As the lock clicked open and Kritch swung the door open, the two would be greeted by a 4 foot tall green reptilian demon, dressed in a small shirt and a skirt. She bombastically stepped out into the hall before taking a look around at the rebels that freed her and frowning. [color=007236]"I was expecting someone a bit more heroic, and less dirty and uh..."[/color] Gazing down at the the smoldering corpse of the head guard. [color=007236]"Jeez, was that really, like, a requirement? He was nice. Gave me a drink sometimes."[/color] [color=007236]"Well, whatever, we need to get out of here?"[/color] She asked, looking between the two men. At that moment, Barkeep cut in. [color=9e0b0f]"Weaver is on her way, should be there in about 30 seconds or a minute. Make sure Betty doesn't get hurt."[/color] Betty nodded at this, seemingly knowing who this person was. She began lackadaisical trekking down the hall towards the entrance to the prison.