[i][color=7e3949]Big deal to make over a pre-release that will happen in every shop in Tokyo within a month, and the rest of the world soon after.[/color][/i] he thought to himself, remaining quiet, although his thoughts were mildly betrayed by the folding of his arms, and his purposeful lack of eye-contact. As the projector lowered, he slid his sharp gaze onto the blank screen, which didn't remain as such for long. The explanation that was given was dubious at best to be sure. Digimon existing in physical space? Impossible. Maybe as some form of hologram, maybe. But being able to interact with objects, especially enough to damage a store, was complete nonsense. And from scrapped concepts no less. Haruka rolled his eyes, scoffing softly at the very idea. It was probably some failed attempt to mask the footage of a robbery, and no one wants to admit that anything was taken- or the thieves failed so badly that they didn't take anything. Either way, it was the only logical reason for the news footage. It wasn't the first time they had gotten something wrong or blown things out of proportion, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. That being said, however, he was quick to step up to the opened case. His approach was rapid, making sure he was among the first to reach an appropriate distance. There he stood before Mr. Kuroda, waiting to be given one of the colored D-Scanners from the case- hopefully with a Digimon more interesting than Commandramon. And if he got to expose some shoddy criminals along the way, then all the better. "[color=7e3949]I'll do it,[/color] Haruka declared, raising a clenched fist to around shoulder height rather dramatically, "[color=7e3949]After all, if anyone deserves to be able to do this, it's clearly me,[/color]" he added with a smug flip of his hair, "[color=7e3949]Especially more than some half-rate legion of copycats.[/color]"