The crusader had thrown their helmet across the ground in a desperate attempt to get the cloud of air infused with a napalm out of their eyes and lungs. The young Toby saw that the knight was struggling to breathe and rushed over to see if he would be alright after getting all of this crud out of his system, but as Toby would soon find out, the knight was not the man he seemed... or a man at all. Where Jonathan Light once stood, a slightly ravishing woman was on her knees and hands, coughing up smoke. Her hair was cut shortly in order to fit into the thrown-aside helmet. Through the coughs that were expelled from her, you could hear a confident and slightly feminine voice, and her frame was actually rather slim, and under the armor you could barely see a fair bit of padding under it. This was Jennifer Light, the crusader that faked an identity to join the ranks of the Pope's army many centuries ago. She looked back towards the prison, now loud with the chanting of once rioting prisoners, still coughing away with a slightly accented voice. [color=pink]"Nefas is - hyeck - taken down now... we have a - chyech - chance at getting out of - bleck - here... glorious."[/color] The knight continued to cough after that.