[b]Luke Braxton - Atlanta, Georgia - His Apartment[/b] Luke had overheard some thoughts from Shannon after her fight with her boyfriend and him leaving. He chuckled sure it may have been messed up to end the relationship preemptively, but she already had thoughts about ending it with him for a multitude of other reasons. The way he saw it he just ended it early, and to be honest he didn't care that much about either of them anyway. A slight motivation for that besides the guy being annoying was he'd overheard some flirtatious thoughts about him in her head, and she was pretty attractive. He'd just gotten texting Tamara, although he did want to hang out with her he told her he had business to attend to, and specified that it was legal related to Uber. She was upset but he ended up "winning" the argument stating that if he wasn't going to sell drugs that meant less free time. Although he'd been thinking about what she was saying, selling drugs wasn't exactly the best thing to do. He did get annoyed with customers most of the time, but that didn't mean he'd go out of the drug game completely no he had bigger plans. Two days ago he'd got in contact with his brother Craig's old connects who hadn't went down, and wanted to do business with them. They weren't people who dealt with customers, they dealt with the the dealers themselves. They made way more money because they weren't selling grams they were selling ounces and pounds. He'd been somewhat paranoid about getting into trafficking especially after what happened to his brother, but he felt confident now with his super powered aid that it was time for an upgrade. He planned to meet them later today, tomorrow at the latest to upgrade although he'd miss the popularity that came with being a regular campus dealer he'd find other ways to be recognized and known, this was about his money. So far no one had hit him up on Uber or Lyft, at least no one close enough that he felt like responding to so he'd turned it off. He opted instead to continue listening to music, play some Xbox, and re-count his drug money. Just as he was getting ready to head out he heard his phone ring, and he didn't recognize the number. [@Cultural Titan] Random numbers didn't mesh well with him even before he was selling drugs, but he had an odd feeling and still picked it up. The voice on the phone was unrecognizable, and he shrugged. [i]Fuck if only I could read minds through the phone, then again that don't make sense I can't even hear people too far away from my spot this guy could be in another city or country for all I know..still it sounds like he talking money and if its a set up he'll get wet up.[/i] Despite these powers, he still felt ultimately his best form of defense was his gun. He had a feeling this person knew something about him when they mentioned a car, aside from his legal job he hadn't drove any people around for illicit reasons in a while. "Hmm..Imma be straight up..I don't really like talking too much on the phone if you catch my drift hell I don't even know ya name, but you sound like your talking about money..and that's one thing I don't turn down so I'm listening. What's this opportunity you talking bout." Luke didn't want to give any incriminating information on the phone but he'd be willing to listen to entertain this guy and see what he was talking about. [b]Harry Foltross - Washington D.C - Coalition Headquarters[/b] Harry was on his third cup of coffee and just about done going through the files that had been placed in-front of them. Various incidents across the United States, and the rest of the world that might and that was a strong might be potential super human individuals. The problem is plenty of bullshit was floating around in the media long before this experiment granted people powers, so the goal was to decide what was worth their attention. They may have been spread international, but their resources were thin after all they didn't want the intelligent community at large to know about them, the problems they caused, and the imminent threat they were dealing with. There was plenty of places he wanted to look through based off the information and in the US he had his top three places written down. Houston, Texas, Atlanta, Georgia, and Vegas, Nevada. These three seemed to be a hot bed of potential superhuman activity based off their intel, however limited. [@G3njii] Still he knew this was serious, thanks to his new partner he was assigned he knew first hand how real and dangerous these powers could be, and that was just one example. He didn't exactly feel 100% about his partner, but at least he was working for them, they couldn't say the same about other random people "gifted" with these powers. His fear was if some truly atrocious people got their hands on some powers that furthered their ability to commit violent acts, it seemed history was repeating himself. He always seemed to end up supplying bad people with power in way or another..of course this was way worst then his security gig. "Hmm Houston or Atlanta...I mean." He saw a series of e-mails pop up on his computer, and looked at his laptop to see the news reports the group had gathered. [@dabombjk] Mysterious explosion of home in development in Atlanta, Georgia happened within the past few hours...Bomb Squad and police sent out to investigate, no evidence of explosive can be found, the construction group assigned to the building were all mysteriously absent and police are looking into the matter. Further investigation will continue to find out the cause of this attack, and to see if any remains of people are discovered among the rubble. "Hmm...fuck..no evidence of an explosion alright" Harry grabbed his pen and scratched out Houston and Vegas. "Guess Atlanta is first." He got up and sighed a whole building exploded, he wondered if a power caused that. What if people had been inside that building, he shuddered, they had to get a handle on this situation immediately. His phone began buzzing and he saw it was one of his superiors and quickly answered." hello, Agent Foltross speaking what's the matter." "I'm afraid our CIA mole...Zane Colch is dead. You've gotten information about that "mysterious" explosion in Atlanta. We think his disappearance may be connected with that, the tracking device in him went offline around the same time the explosion was reported. As you know the CIA was close to getting their hands on some information regarding the Vamon technology, so we had Colch execute his team and defect we planned to intercept him and the files later today. We don't think the CIA would be so bold as to engage in bombing him, unless they hired a third party who got carried away, still with Colch dead, and the files compromised there's no telling what the CIA might no, and it's too risky to send in our other two ex CIA moles after this. We need to get those files, we can't let the CIA learn about the Vamons and their tech, the reaction could be disastrous..what I'm saying is this assignment supersedes investigating these potential superhumans you understand me, this is of far more importance. Everything we've worked for can be turned upside down we need to keep the CIA in the dark...so head to Atlanta, take your super powered assistance with you, someone like him can ensure we do this as discreetly as possible, that's all." Harry didn't even have time to argue, but he silently cussed Colch was a good man. The CIA had became problematic, they'd been trying to keep them away from the whole situation even prior to the storm, but after that things were worst. Now one of the Coalition's best agents was dead. Still this solidified in hid mind that it was Atlanta that he was going first. He took out his phone to text his partner, and then headed to his room at the HQ to start packing his bags for a trip to Atlanta hopefully they'd have a jet ready for them within the hour.