[@MarsAdept] What do you think? [Hider=Character]Name: Aspasia Alias: Nature's Wrath Age: 26 Gender: Female Race: Human Class: Solider [Hider=Appearance][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/41/27/69/412769d0feb23cc2bcc10810087ef8af.jpg[/img][/hider] Magical Specialty: Creature Magic Primary Color: Green Secondary/Tertiary colors: Red Preferred Summons: Beasts, Hydras, Wurms Favorite mechanic/keyword: Bloodthirst Home plane: Theros [Hider=History]Born and abandoned almost immediately, Aspasia grew up in Setessa as a ward of the Polei. From an early age, her subborness and temper shone through and gave her teachers more than one headache daily. Frequently abandoning her classes to play in the woods, the druids of Kalamara discovered her natural talent for creature magic, manipulation and calling creatures of the forest merely to play with her. They pushed and advanced her talents and by twelve could reduced a rampaging bull to a cowering calf with minimal effort. Her martial training started at age ten and trained under the Liena Tower regimen for a decade. With a pair of single handed, double edged axes in hand, Aspasia was a force to be feared. Her wild, firey temper often made an appearance on the field and others avoided her as much as possible. Among the ranks, she was known as the Minotaur for both her rapid, overpowering combat style and irritable temperament. No one dared called her that to her face though. An axe between the ribs and eyes is often a good enough threat. Her difficulty working with others made it impossible, both for the sanity of her superiors and better use of her skills, for her to stay with the main body and instead transfered to the Hyrax Tower to work as a scout at the same time as Phaedra. The two worked closely together for two years and were known as the regimen's best fighters. Their skills in stealth, manipulation, and combat far exceeded their comrades'. When Phaedra was given a leadership position, Aspasia refused to be her second in command and maintain a regular scout in favor of freedom from administrative duties. The pair reminded close friends and, when Aspasia returned from the field, would put of displays of martial skill to bolster the regimen's morale. Only a few months after her friend's promotion, Aspasia discovered a minotaur shaman wandering the Sesseta wilds. Instead of heading back to report, she sent a falcon and continued to follow. He stopped inside a rather large grove within the forest and caught her eye. He'd known she was following. Before she could react, he smashed his skull into a tree as he chanted and the earth started rumbling. A final laugh and the minotaur flew skyward as the earth exploded in front of her. As the dirt settled, she froze. A hydra stood where the grove once did, blocking out the sun. Time seemed to stand still. Suddenly she was aware of a star clad woman standing with a bow in her hands and a smirk on her face. [i]What, scared?[/i] Her posture seemed to suggest. Aspasia growled, temper rising. Startled yes, scared no. She took a deep breath just as the Hydra did and roared in tandem. Winds ripped trees out of the ground as the two voices clashed, her own meeting in volume and intensity fueled by green mana. Determind, Aspasia was unaware of the approach of others and the disbelief on their faces as she challenged the Hydra. The beast fell silent first. She grinned and, as shakey and worn as she was, threw her head back and laughed. Until she stared at the blood crazed eyes of Mogis. They stared down and, with a roar in her mind, a crackling bolt of red slammed through her, intertwining with her own magic. She blacked out. When she came to, the Hydra was shredding itself to bits and the troops of Setessa laid slaughtered at her feet. Blood dripped off her axes and slowly her memory came back. The eyes, the intense bloodthrist, the Hydra and her moving in tandem, a race to see who could kill the most. As a scream passed her lips, a green flash of light twinge with red bolts throughout forced the world out of focus. The world shook, blue twirled around her, green slithered and writhed as brown popped in and out, and then... nothing. She faded to black again. The following two years were spent in the company of Bala Ged elves on the plane Zendikar to which she had inadvertently traveled when her spark activated. She struggled with the red corruption of her magic. Creatures she summoned because rabid and bloodthristy and difficult to control. But a challenge she loved and a challenge she crushed. After saving the Elven village she had stayed in from a great wurm, Aspasia decided to served Nylea, the goddess that had goaded her to action, across the multiverse, punishing those that take from nature more than they return.[/hider] Personality: Aspasia is a double sided coin. On one side, she is furious and crazy. People that don't know her tend to find her intimidating, overwhelming, and disagreeable. On the other, she is fun and jouful, loves playing pranks and dancing, even having grown a fondness for gambing and alcohol. If intensity is what you need, Aspasia is who you want. Groups/factions: Setessa military Patron of the Mourning Mirrodin Establishment Trinkets/ Inventory: An Anklet of vines and emeralds fashioned from the wilds of Zendikar that pulses with the plane's green mana, twin single hand axes made of the teeth of a great wurm. Theme Song: [url]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VR7RlvjsplA [/url][/hider]