[@Akayaofthemoon] Here she is! If you'd like more detail to any section I can add it. :) [hider=Topaz] [color=gold][b]Name:[/b][/color] Topaz [color=gold][b]Gem:[/b] [/color] [url=http://2.wlimg.com/product_images/bc-small/dir_49/1457797/yellow-topaz-gemstones-04-1076291.jpg]Yellow Topaz[/url] [color=gold][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/KKmZAcX.png[/img][/hider] Topaz stands at around 5'5", and has a habit of playing with her long hair when nervous or over-excited. Topaz is generally quite the eager gem, and can often run head-first into danger without thinking about the consequences. However, this can often lead to a good deal of fun and amusement. Mostly, anyway. [color=gold][b]Gem Placement:[/b][/color] The middle of her diaphragm, just below her breasts. [color=gold][b]Gem Item:[/b][/color] Dual swords. They can connect at the hilts to create a large, double-ended sword with a two-hand grip. [color=gold][b]Powers:[/b][/color] [color=gold][b]Active:[/b][/color] Aerokinesis: Topaz is capable of manipulating air to such an extent that she is able to "fly", or block blows from outside forces, such as attacks, or falling from a great height. However, this power becomes less effective when using her power too much at once, or for a long period of time. [color=gold][b]Passive (Unstable):[/b][/color] Electrokinesis: Topaz is able to generate and manipulate bolts of electricity; however, when summoned, it is extremely hard to control. More often than not she will shock herself (And he allies, as she is unable to really target the bolts) when using the power, so she prefers not to use it unless absolutely necessary. [color=gold][b]Other:[/b][/color] She wonders sometimes if she could combine her powers and create lightning storms. But even for a somewhat reckless gem like herself, she's not willing to risk an experiment like that for the sake of her imagination. For now, at least... [/hider]