[b]Username:[/b] [@Vashonn] [hider=Teron] [b]Name:[/b] Teron [b]Age:[/b] He appears to be in his late 20's, however he is well into his fifth century. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Dragon [b]Weapons:[/b] Several centuries of hunting for a living has honed Teron's skills with the bow, and he keeps it within arm's reach at all times. Usually he will carry his bow on his back, along with around twenty arrows. he also uses a knife, primarily for dressing his kill, but has no qualms with using it when an adversary gets too close. [hider=Calmed Appearance] [img]http://img15.deviantart.net/e025/i/2014/280/5/e/ranger_by_lukotka-d81xue6.png[/img] About 5'9", 165lbs [/hider] [hider=Divine Appearance] [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/3840/f/2016/160/7/8/green_crystal_dragon_by_sandara-da2eheg.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Teron is not one, typically, for conversation. Though he hides most of his emotions well and is a very isolated sort of fellow, he does seek the thrill of adventure and often finds himself to be a bit bored by his day-to-day life. Though he has lived for so long rather comfortably, he finds himself quickly growing tired of his simplistic lifestyle and has recently been on the move a lot more than usual, just to find newer and better things to do. As for being in company, he is rather indifferent to it. On the one hand, he finds himself better off by himself, being able to move and act as he pleases, which is why he hasn't made too great of an effort to associate himself with anyone thus far. On the other, however, Teron has recently been thinking of finding a sort of companionship, someone to talk to and interact with to keep his mind from wandering away from him. [b]Short Biography:[/b] Teron is descended from a line of traitor-dragons, each of them abandoning their House they were born under, each of them cast away by society for their lack of allegiance. Teron took refuge from the scrutiny of dragonkind within the lush forests of Dawnspear territory. His own heritage stemming primarily from Dawnspear, Teron adjusted well to the wilds, using his talent of fishing and hunting to earn himself a decent living. Never settling in one place for too long, he has seen much of the Dawnspear region and enjoys the travel itself, but makes plans to find a permanent residence in the future. Stumbling upon a band of adventurers one day, he offered them aid through the woods in exchange for some coin as well as recent news, alerting him to the arrival of these creatures called humans. Intrigued by the prospect of meeting this race from a far away land, he began his trek east, toward the Silvergale shores. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Lucille Geadais] [b]Name:[/b] Lucille Geadais [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Weapons:[/b] Her combat training has been seldom, but is able to brandish a blade if necessary. The rough life of sailing has given her a great deal of strength for a girl of her size, however, surprising the occasional sleaze that would approach her with a swift right hook. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://s1.zerochan.net/Ryuryu.Mikan.600.1839712.jpg[/img] 5'3", 115lbs [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Lucille is a caring, quiet girl, with a determination and strength that rivals even the sailors of legend. Having spent her whole life either beside or on the water, she is in love with the call of adventure and accustomed to meeting people of all walks of life. Though her mind often wanders, she is quick to act in any situation where a sharp wit could mean the difference between keeping afloat or sinking. When you can get her talking, she is abrupt and cares little for remaining pleasant, the sailor's tongue in her mouth rather boisterous, which she finds humorous when she addresses those who expect better of her. [b]Short Biography:[/b] Born to a sailor and a tavern wench, Lucille's mother passed away shortly after Lucille's birth, her father away at sea when his daughter was left without a home. The tavern owner, having no child of his own, raised the lass with his wife until the girl had reached her teenage years, when she swore to set out as a crewman and find her father. For four years she sailed, a rare beauty amidst the rough and rugged sailors she had accompanied in her travels. Her heritage was thick in her blood, her strength and wit proving her more than capable to work alongside the broad-shouldered men aboard. At each port, she would hop on whatever new vessel would take her, always asking the ship's master if they knew the name Angaid, which was her father's, always left disappointed in never getting the answer she had hoped for. She had heard of a ship making ready to travel the Clouded Sea, a body of water yet to be traversed to the other end, and have one return. In dire hope, Lucille pondered whether her father had journeyed across the great waters, and boarded the large ship as a sailmaker and general crewman. The sight of land lifted her spirits, as she also saw a port of which they could dock. Now, however, her thoughts have shifted, seeing the great people of this land of Athea. [b]Other:[/b] The thought of the dragons frightens her, as it would any young girl, but she can't help but be drawn to them in their mystery and magic. So long as she remains in this land, her mind will very seldom dwell on her father, and more on discovering what she can about these dragons. [/hider]