Leon woke with a jolt. He checked his clock and saw it was nearly two hours before he was suppose to get up. He has never been able to sleep peacefully through the night. It got even worse as the date for exams started coming closer. He hopped out of his bed while throwing on some clothes he grabbed off the floor. If he wasn't going to be sleeping he might as well take a quick jog before he had to leave. [sub]An hour and a half later[/sub] When Leon got back to his dorm he instantly started getting ready for the day. He had to due his best. His family was a military family each of them in some form or fashion being a part of the defense of their home. If he failed he would feel like he failed his family. He had to succeed. He just had to. Once he was ready he departed for the location his stressful day was going to fully begin at. [hr] Ollie woke up to the sounds of his mother getting all of his younger siblings up for the day. She always woke him last since he was the oldest and she hoped he would start being responsible and wake himself up. He had just stood from his bed when his mother walked into the basement carrying his youngest brother, Micky, "Come on, Ollie. Get a shower and get dressed. I'm not waiting on you today." Ollie wished he could say to go ahead and leave him behind but he'd probably get a nasty lecture from his father if he got sassy so early in the morning. As soon as Ollie rubbed the tiredness as best he could from his eyes he rushed up the stairs without answering his mother to try and get to the shower. With a large family having only two showers meant if you didn't get there first you probably were going to be freezing by the time you were done. Only the twins, Alex and Kiley, had enough sense to shower the night before but the other children didn't have as bright of an idea. As soon as he got to the bathroom door he realized he wasn't going to get the glorious first shower of the day. That right went to his youngest sister, Sadie, as it usually did. The only other showerless sibling, Lindsay, was standing outside of the door giving Ollie the stink eye, "I'm next bedhead." Ollie groaned at his misfortune and decided he would at least grab some breakfast while the shower was in use. He slowly walked into the kitchen to see the twins cooking up a storm. Well, really one was cooking while the other just stirred whatever he was pointed at. Ollie saw a few fresh pieces of bacon laying out to cool off and quickly snatched them before the two could notice. The mornings of the Hill household were almost always hectic but it was the good kind of hectic. The one you could only get from having so much family to love you don't know what to do with them all. After the start of the morning was over it was Ollie's job to drop the others off at school. Once he had dropped the twins and Sadie off at their schools, Ollie and Lindsay sat quietly in the car as they made their way to school. On the way they always passed a sign for the prestigious Justice Academy. Ollie looked at the sign and sighed. He was a massive dreamer and one of his dreams was to go to that school for the chance to become a Justice Ranger. However, his family wouldn't have been able to afford the tuition. Lindsay looked to her older brother and said, "Hey, at least you still got music." Ollie smirked at the remark. Lindsay rarely said something in the realm of a compliment to her older brother. Ollie did have to admit that if he had anything going for him it was his skill as a musician. He laughed a little when he remembered how his piano teacher reacted when he mentioned his dream of become a power ranger. The old guy nearly blew a gasket. Still, one could dream couldn't they? It didn't take much longer to get to school. Today was going to be just another boring day just like many others. Ollie practically instantly fell asleep the moment he sat in his desk.