George had woken up that morning early. He got up quickly bumping his head on a hanging light form above him. "Whoops." George said to himself with a smile and rubbing the top of his head. He lived in a fairly common looking house. He was an only child as well except for a baby brother who had come into the world about 6 months ago. His parents were certainly a sight to see, both of them full of muscle. His father was even a professional wrestler often going by the name of "The Mighty Bear" It was a cheesy name but his father was just has cheesy. "Right, off to my first day guys!" George said to his family after eating breakfast and then heading off to the academy. He was selected for his kindness, though his build helped quite a bit as well. Due to George being so huge for the most part people find him intimidating. Anyone would if they came across a bear of a man. Some people didn't have a problem with it though seeing him as only freakishly tall. As soon as George got there he realized he was far too early. So he sat on a bench, taking up the whole thing. And took out a book that looked far too small for him. It was smaller than one of his own hands. [hr] Hanzo had just left the academy the night before after being told that he wasn't cut out of the academy. Something about being more cut out to be a villian than anything. But Hanzo would show them. He had rode off that night on his dirt bike to try and blow off steam but soon enough as he was riding a hole seemed to open up in the ground out of seemingly no where sending both him and his bike hurdling into it. He had passed out at that point, if it weren't for his helmet he would be dead. A few hours later he woke up from a sharp pain in his leg. When he looked down he realized that it was broken. He was about to yell out in pain he froze seeing what seemed to be a black and red spider the size of his head come down in front of him. "I am not here to hurt you boy." A voice said inside of his head. He looked at the spider with eyes of panic. He then realized that the spider was the one talking. "You have within you a lust for strength, a need to help others gain their own strength. I have been looking for someone like you for a very long time." The voice said explaining to him. "W-What do you want from me?" Hanzo said in a paniced voice. "I want to help you reach your full potential. You failed to do so before at the academy. I will help you gain that power. I am known as Lilith, and you will be my champion." With those words in his head he could feel power flowing into him. It felt warm, and his leg seemed to heal on it's own. As he felt the power grow inside of him his body started to change. Armor appeared on him, it looked to similar that something power rangers would wear. But it was different, had more colors, and felt darker. It seemed to have a sort of spider theme. The plants in the area around the hole meanwhile started to wilt and die. Only within about 12 feet of the whole it seemed though. All of it's life force flowing into Hanzo.