Above the planet, three Sith and their platoon of Shock Troopers were planning their attack on the Jedi temple that resided below them. At the present time, A woman with pale pink skin and lavender hair was standing in the cockpit of the starship discussing something with the pilot, a rather displeased look on her face. “How much longer before we begin our descent onto Korpus V?” she asked, her arms crossed over her chest, violet eyes narrowed at the planet visible before them. There was very little blue on the planet as it was covered by lush jungles occasionally interrupted by the blue lines of rivers scattered throughout. “We are looking at about 15 minutes, but about two hours before we leave Arianna,” came the pilot's response, which just fed into the woman’s displeasure. She really just wanted to get the mission over with as she was perpetually worried about her closest friend every time they were sent out. She wanted to get in, get out and make sure that he didn’t lose his shit. “I’m going to head back and let the other’s know, we may need some cover, so get the guns ready as soon as possible once we breach,” the woman, Arianna, stated before leaving and heading straight to the area where everyone was preparing their weapons. Once there, she looked at everyone and let out a breath, she hated having to deliver news. “Fifteen minutes before engagement and we have ninety minutes before we leave. Kill everything that moves and grab any packs that you may find, we need as much information as possible about other temples.” With the news delivered, she went straight over to the other sith, one of her hands reaching out to the male to her left. It was a habitual thing, mostly because he would grasp it himself if she did not. She never really understood why, but it started to become a sense of reassurement for her before every mission. However, this time her grabbing his hand was only for a brief moment before she had to give a look over the blaster she always kept on her, along with the two sabers she carried. During this time, she started to chat in a low voice to Maegr about the mission itself, mostly to express her concern about what he normally did. The nature of the mission was rather cut and dry, get in, kill everything, get out and report their results and observations to their Master as needed. However, there was something about this mission that just did not settle well with the young woman and she really couldn't pinpoint what it was which only seemed to make it worse. When the ship shook, she let out a sigh and stood up with the rest of the troops and glanced at her three friends before her hands patted the sabers at her side. The entries were always pretty rough, but she had nothing but trust for their pilot... unlike the first two who had been found in ditches, killed in a rather 'mysterious' manner. "So, is it just me or is there something off about this mission?" she asked both of her companions, not at all surprised if neither chose to reply to her. Arianna's thoughts were cut short as another violent shudder ran through their ship, forcing her to brace herself and switch her footing so she would not fall into any of the troops around them. However, even with that thought interrupted, the ever present thought of what would happen to Maegr rolled through her mind. She normally did her best to stay within sight of the male as she wanted to ensure that she was around should his rage consume him as it was known to do from time to time. There was no understanding on her part as to why, but she had always been able to calm him. Sometimes it went smoothly, other times she would walk away with an injury or two, but so far there was never anything fatal. She was not worried about the scars she received from him as she always thought them well worth bringing her friend back to his right mind. Then there was Silas, she never really had to worry about him as he always seemed to handle himself well enough. Even if she tried to help him on the rare occasion he was injured, she practically had to force him to allow her to assist. As much as they were part of the Sith, she felt them to be a part of her family and she cared for them as much as one could show without gaining grievous injury from a Master should you get caught. She knew that all too well and the intricate swirls and markings along her stomach were testament to what the Sith felt was a weakness within her. Maybe he refused her because of that, but she rarely ever allowed him to do so, and sometimes that meant he earned himself a solid smack upside his helmeted cranium. But now really wasn't the time to reminisce about meetings and growing up was it? They had a mission they needed to focus on and she hoped beyond hope that her fears would not be realized. Sith or not, there were some things she could not kill, even if that meant forfeiting her own life.