Here is one of my characters! [s]Finally[/s] [hider=Ignis Barthandelous][center][img][/img][hr][hr] [img][/img] [color=silver][i]Ignis is an inquisitive soul with a charming bashfulness about him. He does his best to uphold a polite and chivalrous demeanor, though his anxiety and aversion to any form of conflict usually lead him to be quite soft spoken and shy in almost any given situation. His renown as a prodigal Arithmancer and genius of his time, as well as his direct blood relation to the Archbishop, draw a lot of unwanted attention to the meek man. Try as he may to act modest, there is no denying that Ignis is deserving of his recognition in the fields of Arithmancy. He possesses a keen intellect with a logical mind that is no stranger to comprehending complex concepts and solving equations beyond the capabilities of any ordinary man. Though with status comes responsibility, something he is not quite fond of. The pressure to succeed and his own inability to face his failures has directly caused Ignis to become a very standoffish and irrationally fearful person. His magic is the only thing he really cherishes; so much so that he submissively follows every order of the Librarium out of the fear that they one day take his right to Magic away as they once did the Sky Pirates.[/i][/color] [i]“I don't really 'get' people. Now, numbers and equations I understand. People, however, are an enigma.”[/i][/center] [indent]| Name: | [indent][i]Barthandelous, Ignis [/i][/indent] | Alias|Nickames|Titles: | [indent][i]None[/i][/indent] | G e n d er: | [indent][i]Male[/i][/indent] | R a n k: | [indent][i]B Rank[/i][/indent] | Age: | [indent][i]26[/i][/indent] | Sector : | [indent][i]Library Hunter[/i][/indent] | History: | [indent][i]Once a prodigal student of the Capital Judea's School of Arithmancy, Ignis was highly renowned for his ability to comprehend the intricate nuances of Arithmancy faster than all others in his generation. At the rate he was learning, it was predicted he would reach the Master level by the time he was in his mid thirties. He performed so phenomenally well in all of his studious endeavors that eventually a high performance was always expected from him. The nephew of the Archbishop and a young genius, there was certainly a lot of weight riding on his shoulders. Unfortunately, he would eventually be crushed by it. The details of Ignis' nervous breakdown are scarce, though it is believed that he just simply couldn't handle the pressure that was thrust upon him. For reasons he made unknown to all but his closest loved ones, Ignis dropped out of the School of Arithmancy and joined the Library Hunters. [/i][/indent] | Magic: | [indent][i][u]Arithmancy[/u]: The study of ancient numeracy and the magical geometry needed to create Magic Circles. Through dedicated study and a keen mind capable of understanding complex equations, Arithmancers have very much established themselves in Pandora as Magical Scientists. Through Arithmancy, the caster is able to draw and re-create magic circles varying in intricacy in order to conjure up the most basic forms of other Magics. While a far cry from the potential one mage would have in specialising said Magic, Arithmancers sacrifice power for versatility. Additionally, the art of Invocation was also born under the Arithmancers. By combining aspects of Circles relating to different Magics, Arithmancers are capable of fusing together magics into new and more powerful combinations. It is theorised that through Arithmancy, any Magic that has ever existed can be recreated. Though the dedication and knowledge needed to perform even the most basic conjurations means that it may be many centuries before an Arithmancer with such ability appears.[/i][/indent] | Miscs : | [indent]Ignis wields an Arithmancer Tome and Aetherquill. The Tome is filled with base templates of Magic Circles already pre-drawn to allow Ignis to fashion spells much faster than if he was working from scratch. The Aetherquill is a special writing utensil that uses a very scarce, unnoticable amount of the wielders magic power to be able to write. Ignis has a photographic memory, able to memorize everything he sees with intricate detail. [i]Character Theme: [url=]Abrasive[/url][/i][/indent] [/indent] Sheet credited to Buddha.[/hider]