OOC: This is Hirotaka's part, that I forgot to post. After this we'll wait for Burning Kitty's post. ---------------- “Hiro...Hiro, you're going to be late for school,” said Hiro's mother, while knocking on his door, trying to wake him up. It didn't take much for Hiro to wake up, but when he did, he never wanted to get out of bed. He knew he had to get up. He didn't want to upset his mother. It was just the two of them, so he didn't want to stress her out in anyway. “I'm up,” he replied, finally getting out of bed. He put on his school uniform and ate a little breakfast his mom prepared before, she left. Before he left the house himself, he made his way to a small room near the kitchen. The room had, many types of weapons hanging on the walls, with a mini alter set up in the middle of the room. The alter had a picture of his father, who died in a ranger mission a few years ago. His father was a well known Justice Ranger. Everyone knew about him. He was the leader of the first wave of Justice Rangers. His father's old team members would visit the house just to pay respects, and give them their condolences, or to bring gifts. He guessed that they felt some kind of responsibility towards the family. He tried his best to be strong for his mother. His father would always tell him, that if anything were to happen to him, then it was his job to take care of his mother. He remembered the academy tried to recruit him, but he wanted nothing to do with becoming a Power Ranger. The academy took his father away from him and his mother. He wasn't about let them take him too. The thought pissed him off. “I'm leaving dad,” he said to the picture, hoping his father would hear him from wherever he was. When getting to class, he instantly noticed Ollie sleeping at his desk. He walked to the desk Ollie was siting and hit him lightly on the back to wake him up. “Sleep again? If it weren't for me you would have been in trouble so many times,” he said with a smile on his face. Hiro has been friends with Ollie for years.