[@Letmehaveone2] Alexi placed a stand on the wall and placed his long scythe on the back wall against his bed. He looked over at Vile seeing him set up a computer near his bed. He wondered what he wold keep on there but knew it was not his place at all. "So what brings you to live here?" He asked hoping to try and spark up a conversation with him. Natalie saw a nekko boy walk in. She tilted her head noticing he was a cat nekko. That would not be a problem as long as her wolf would not scare him off. She wondered if he was a telepathic as well. [i]Hello. My name is Natalie.[/i] She thought sending her voice into his head to see if he could understand her. Some shape-shifters shared telepathy but she wondered if it was just a rare trait to werewolves.