Arin decided it was time for him to explore around and get to know the mansion as well as meeting some people. He exited his room and began walking down the hallway. [hr] Price stayed in his room for a little bit longer as he began to softly strum a few strings on his guitar. He closed his eyes in contentment as he continued playing it. [hr] [@DeadlyPhoenix] Vile looked up at him as he tried to think of a response to that. He could tell him he was mainly looking to start a bit of chaos at some point, but not now as it would be too soon to do anything just yet. He had plans though, he just wasn't ready to reveal said plans yet. He would have to come up with something else. "I thought it would be a nice place to do some.... [b][i]work[/i][/b]." He grinned at the last part, hoping he would somehow know what he meant by work. Juno smiled as he got his question answered. [i]I'm Juno.[/i] He sent back at her. He was glad his attempt to use telepathy on her actually worked since before he had only used it on Price. [hr] Having nothing better to do, Jyden stood up before heading towards the door to his room. He stepped out, being sure to close the door behind before heading down the hallway to either meet people or explore around.