[@Sigil] [@Morose] [@Pundii] [@FantasyChic] [@BlueSky44] [@Dragoknighte] Alright, we had a counter reset yesterday - thing is even with the counter reset - those of you that would be sitting on day 7 or more counters right now do need to post. I did the counter reset so people would have a better chance not to get stuck on day 6 waiting for people again. You all with the high counters, please try to post within 24 hours so that the others can post and their counters don't end up getting running out or pushed to the point of no return waiting again. This reset was done so I wouldn't have to kick people out because they had to wait on people that were not posting. (I won't do it again, next time I'll just give people the okay to bunny the PC that is holding things up with LLA control.) (We would be further along but since some actions were not completed last round I could not give you much to go off of.)