From the Banian ale the night before to the decor in the manor they stood in, Lis was getting a serious sensation of deja vu. Part of her remained uncomfortable at the memories of Bania; she had left the country precisely for a different kind of work, and now here she was, seemingly thrown back into it. Either that that, or she was just over-thinking the entire thing. They were still in Starkvale, after all. The other half of her, however, seemed rather content at her situation. Lis had gained access to an up-and-coming mercenary group with their own guild hall (God, the beds were so comfortable she nearly slipped into a coma - not that she was going to tell anybody that), and they already had a job. Well... they might have a job. Pursing her lips slightly in annoyance, Lis glared at the servant as they offered wine. "Why is it every time an outfit like this gets invited to some noble's mansion, they're never available to greet us? It's always "They're in a meeting", or "He's busy at the moment, have a drink while you wait and stand out like a leper in a ballroom." Lis' glower seemed to increase as she spoke to Kayden, not putting any effort in keeping her disgruntled complaining down. Still, she did have a point. The servant stepped away uncomfortably before Lis could even take the offer of wine - not that she was bothered. She didn't trust this place, no way she was going to start drinking in it. Perhaps this was paranoid of her, but the half-dwarf had never been harmed by cautious thinking before. Especially in a place that reminded her of the monster-ridden Bania.