[@Hylozoist] [@JaceBeleren] [@Ryougu] "I guess you're right, you would think the leader would at least be on time," Ally said, shaking her head a bit. Team Two seemed friendly enough, and she really did hope they would work well together. "Oh, sorry," she said, realizing her rudeness in not introducing herself, "Most people call me Agent, but you guys can call me Ally." Ally was surprised to see Ravin pull out a candy too. In the earth she came from candy was extremely rare. She only had it a handful of times in her life. She was even more surprised when he offered some, "Are you sure? If those are your only ones it's okay." If they were his only candies, she would feel bad taking any, especially with their rarity. Faust accepted the offer as if they were easily available, which was surprising too. Then, Charlotte poured a while mountain of candy and sweets from her sleeve. "What on earth?!" Ally exclaimed, seeing the pile of sweets conjured out of thin air, "So you're really magical, huh?" It was hard to believe someone could so easily acquire sweets, just pulling them out of thin air whenever they pleased.