[@LiegeLord] Cecilia didn't interrupt James, but chuckled when he did. There was something about his moments of levity that she found charmingly infectious. That and she never actually bothered, in all the time she was here, to really think of this camp as a sanctuary. But James could likely tell from her bright expression that she wholeheartedly agreed. He appeared to have more to say but paused, looking away before continuing. She wouldn't expect what he'd say next, her face flushing more so than ever before. "R-Really?... you think I'm amazing?..." she repeated aloud, looking away at the lake and her enclosed hand over her vest. "You really mean that?" she timidly followed up. There was no question that she would always be more than happy to help, especially when it came to encouraging James and Neric to open up more. But she'd be more inclined to call amazing (aside from James and Neric themselves) anyone whom they can rely on like he mentioned. Since the incident earlier, she didn't feel like one of those people they could depend on, even though she wanted to be more than anything.