[@El Noche] Good sportsman- The goblin had fought hard and did his best to take on his brother the entire fight was well worth watching to those who paid attention. The goblin would no doubt need to rest for a good few hours at the very least if he was going to be in fighting shape tomorrow. [hr] [@demonspade64] The goblin was exhausted after practicing so hard. The sad thing is that she had to work and practice the motion to a great degree in order to learn a single skill but still it meant that with enough practice in a certain way she could gain other skills. As she pondered what she would do next their was no doubt that the goblins Skubli and Lomen were going to help change the small group for ages to come. [hr] [@Duthguy] Makings of agriculture- As the goblin planted the berries he soon gained a new skill that would help his brothers and sister in the long run. [b]Goblin Stegs:[/b] Goblin stegs has learned [i][b]Planting[/b][/i] This skill was learned when the goblin planted the berries into the ground. He gained lesser knowledge on how to plant and harvest low level plants. Not every hunt for food need be difficult. AS the goblin learned planting he then went to look into his grandfathers hidden stash of plants in order to make the salve. Because the young goblin was making a simple salve and had lesser knowledge of message he was able to be careful in concocting the medication. Goblin Stegs gained [b]Healing salve[/b] and from then on would be able to recreate the salve if he happened to find the ingredients needed to make it. [hr] [@The 4 Winds] Grandpa watched as Lomen came over and talked about not knowing what the stone was but he could tell that it was important. Grandpa wanted to tell him to stop and just lay down but he was not going to force the young one to rest if he felt he needed to keep working. He simply wished that the young one knew his own limits. He watched as the young one grabbed a stone and started to chip away the wall no doubt he thought that the stone was over their. Grandpa went over to Lomen and patted his shoulder [color=8dc73f]"Young one I am proud of your dedication but you must rest or else you will be no help to anyone"[/color] he said softly before walking away noticing that Stegs found his sack of berries and normally he would chastise the young one but he had been full from eating the boar meat from earlier so he would let it slide this time. Next time he would chastise the young one. As the goblin kept digging it wasn't until he got two inches into the wall that the ore revealed itself again being difficult to break at all and with the goblin still weak from the mock hunt he wouldn't break it off today.