[@Leslie Hall] If you still aren't happy with Alexander, I've made another more unique S-Class unit for Librarium. He's not really an antagonist, but what can you do. [center][hider=Ulysses Callistrophous] [u][h1]Librarium Registration Card[/h1] [/u][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c4/24/65/c42465a7bca3a1bcc1a3f59196e48925.jpg[/img] [h3]Personality[/h3] [sub]Ulysses is an old but wise lizardman, with knowledge that makes him respected in the Librarium. He's often seen as a calm soul, while also patient in teaching his students his ways with the tomes. Yet within his cold, scaly skin, lies an uneasy tension. Despite being taken to them against his will from his home, he is extremely loyal to their cause as long as they spare his people's life. In fact, he will do anything just to save them. When on a mission, he does his absolute best into getting the job done, exactly as it was ordered. No more no less. However, on his free time, he becomes rather humble in his abilities and can be seen giving money to the poor and even helping others with their daily activities. He's one of the more publically liked of Librarium's forces, but otherwise feared by the rogue mages for his capability in matching them in their strength, if not surpassing them.[/sub] [center][i][h3][color=CCCC00]“Through knowledge... comes absolute power.”[/color][/h3][/i][/center] [indent][b]| Name: |[/b] [indent][i]Callistrophous, Ulysses[/i][/indent] [b]| Alias|Nickames|Titles: |[/b] [indent][i]"The Elder Lizard"; "The Tome of Knowledge"; "Sensei Callus"[/i][/indent] [b]| G e n d er: |[/b] [indent][i]Male[/i][/indent] [b]| R a n k: |[/b] [indent][i]S[/i][/indent] [b]| Age: |[/b] [indent][i]96[/i][/indent] [b]| Sector : |[/b] [indent][i]The Library Hunters[/i][/indent] [b]| History: |[/b] [indent][i]Ulysses Callistrophous was born in the distant lizardman village of Ulkuf, deep into the depths of the jungle and far from any Librarium forces. Both his mother and father were shamans, and unknowingly the last of them to exist in Pandora. Most of the villages at that time were conquered by the Librarium forces and forced the inhabitants to become slaves for the Imperial Government. The shamans were extracted of their secrets and were executed shortly afterwards. The Callistrophous family knew of this and swore to protect their son to their very last breath, while also teaching him everything they knew. In addition, they called upon several close friends in the form of human mages to teach their son to be able to utilize offensive magics to protect the village in case of any Librarium invasion. By the age of 20, Ulysses was a seasoned shaman and overall mage. His village became a refuge and safe-heaven for any lizardmen refugees that happened to escape the Imperial's grasp. Yet it was only a matter of time when the secret of the village was revealed to the Librarium, prompting an immediate invasion of the town. Ulysses, along with a handful of lizardman mages attempted to protect their village from the incoming forces, killing any soldier that they faced. But they were severely outmanned and outgunned, eventually having the entire village getting overrun by the soldiers. Forced to surrender, Ulysses was taken to the general of the army, expecting execution. Realizing that he was the last of the Shamans, the soldier began to tell the lizardmen something on behalf of the Archbishop. If Ulysses is to join the Librarium Ranks, the villagers will be spared from slavery, but the village be under their control. If he refused, he and the entire village will be executed, the last of both the "free" lizardmen and shaman to be extinguished from Pandora. Having no choice, Ulysseus agreed to join them, as he was taken away to the Librarium Capital for further training. He was also told that any visible defiance to the Librarium and Mother Juno under his training as a "proper" mage will result in the entire village to be executed. Not wanting to see his family die, as well as his fellow friends and comrades, the lizardman kept himself under control. Years and years went by and Ulysses began to develop himself more and more into magic, settling with Tome Magic he initially practiced back from the village. Never does he try and attempt in fighting back, fearing for his village's life. The more mages he defeated, the higher his rank gone up, eventually becoming an S-Class unit. To the Librarium, he has become a powerful asset in their toolbox and even allowed him to teach others in his ways to produce more finely attuned mages. Ulysseus agreed to their wishes as usual. He will do anything just to keep his village safe and to prevent his family and friends from dying a horrible death.[/i][/indent] [b]| Magic: |[/b] [indent][b][color=CCCC00]Tome Magic[/color][/b] [i]Tome magic allows the user to extract the knowledge and spells from special tomes and use them in combat. He can use a variety of spells that allow him to use different forms of magic, allowing him to adapt to most situations with ease, and if used correctly can rival that of a pure elemental holder mage. They can be used both offensively and defensively, with some using more magic then some, while also being able to cast their powers onto rune-inscribed objects. Higher ranked spells however take up much of the user's mana, as well as time, and if depleted of his magic, the user will have to rest for several hours in meditation to regain its magic. However, the user can accelerate the process if he meditates in a mana-enriched location, allowing him to refuel on his magic reserves in as little as an hour. Several examples of these spells can be seen below, with elemental being able to combine with abilities to form a spell, with the exception of Special Abilities which are casted on their own without a combination (Elemental Tome + Ability = Spell). Some spells are down below:[/i] [u][b]Elemental:[/b][/u] [list] [*][b][color=red]Tome Of Fire:[/color][/b] The user summons a spell upon the element of fire. [*][b][color=1569C7]Tome Of Water:[/color][/b] The user summons a spell upon the element of water. [*][b][color=brown]Tome Of Earth:[/color][/b] The user summons a spell upon the element of earth. [*][b][color=F0FFFF]Tome Of Air:[/color][/b] The user summons a spell upon the element of air. [*][b][color=lightblue]Tome Of Ice:[/color][/b] The user summons a spell upon the element of ice. [*][b][color=yellow]Tome Of Lightning:[/color][/b] The user summons a spell upon the element of lightning. [*][b][color=silver]Tome Of Metal:[/color][/b] The user summons a spell upon the element of metal. [*][b][color=black]Tome Of Darkness[/color][/b] The user summons a spell upon the element of darkness. [*][b]Tome Of Light[/b] The user summons a spell upon the element of light. [*][b][color=CCCC00]Tome Of Aether:[/color][/b] The user summons a spell upon the element of aether (or pure mana). [/list] [u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] [list] [*][b]Infusion:[/b] The user can empower and energize any rune-based object by the element. [*][b]Slash:[/b] The user, while wielding a weapon, can swing a slash of elemental energy. [*][b]Wave:[/b] The user, while wielding a weapon, can swing from a distance and launch a wave-like projectile of elemental energy at its opponent. [*][b]Ball:[/b] The user can fire a sphere of elemental energy at the opponent. [*][b]Beam:[/b] The user can blast a beam of elemental energy at the opponent. Stronger than "Ball". [*][b]Pillar:[/b] The user can unleash a pillar beam of elemental energy from beneath its opponent. Stronger than "Beam". [*][b]Shot:[/b] The user can form bullets of elemental energy and fire them at the opponent. [*][b]Missile:[/b] The user can form a missile of elemental energy at launch it at the opponent. Stronger than "Shot". [*][b]Shield:[/b] The user can created a shield of elemental energy to defend themselves from a certain elemental attack. [*][b]Drain:[/b] The user can drain the magic off its opponent simply by touching them, allowing them to restore more health and mana based off it. [/list][/indent] [u][b]Special Abilities:[/b][/u] [list] [*][b]Pellatur:[/b] The user can unleash a powerful shockwave to repel any incoming attack and either nullify for repel it back to its opponent. [*][b]Ponendo Imperium:[/b] The user can mind-control weak-willed creatures and minions to assist him in battle. [*][b]Inretio:[/b] The user casts a spell that can trap opponents in a net of powerful energy. [*][b]Irritum Graveolentiam:[/b] The user casts a spell that decreases the opponent's offensive capabilities, rendering their attacks being slightly weaker. [*][b]Defensio Irritum:[/b] The user casts a spell that decreases the opponent's defensive capabilities, rendering them more vulnerable to attacks. [/list] [b]| Miscs : |[/b] [indent][i]Ulysses wields a special Rune Sword he calls "Arcadius", in which he can tie most spells from a selected spellbook and infuse the spell into it, allowing him to issue powerful magic spells with his sword. It can enhance his sword to deal more damage or allow it to fire ranged attacks through a special opening at its tip.[/i][/indent] [/indent][/hider] [/center]