[hider=Dala Dwarf daughter] Name: Dala, Dia's Daughter Age, Gender, Race: 150, Female, Dwarf Appearance: Dala has the traditional dwarven build with a ponytail of orange hair. Dala has a small tattoo under her eye marking her as a member of the Grey Mountains. Equipment: Dala carries a shield and an axe. The majority of the time Dala wears chain mail armor, but when she feels safe will wear a leather armor set for speed and mobility. Dala carries a lantern and rope for hard travel through mines. A small silver necklace with a white crystal decorates Dala's chest. Personality: Dala was always a team player growing up. It's how she earned the name Dala the soft, but more then anything she wanted to explore the outer world. Dwarf woman were always hidden away almost none were seen outside of there mountain homes. Dala is intensely curious bound often to explore whenever she gets the chance. Story: Dala wants to travel through the mountains to assure that Thorin's mission to rid the mountains of orcs was a success. Dala also just wants to get out and see the world. The warmth of the sun and the smell of flowers have been precious gifts to her. Dala would like to see the Golden Wood she's heard so much about (Mirkwood) and to travel to the beautiful lands of Enedwaith. Dala likes to mark new locations on a blank sheet of paper only having a map from the second age. Biography: The way Dala was raised was to serve her husband. Dala grew up in the Grey Mountains with the dwarf wives farming and training with cooking. It lead to her being a much better chef than fighter, but helps her identify edible foods. When Dala turned 100 she absconded her family in order to travel the world. In her lands the dwarves avoided going outside due to the constant threat of Dragons. When Dala reached the south it was her delight to arrive in the shire. Dala spent ten years exploring the Shire before heading to Bree and exploring it for even longer learning to fight while she lived in the low lands. Dala now was eager to see the misty mountains and travel to the east. [/hider] [@LadyRunic]